Back to School & Pecan Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Bourbon Mustard Sauce with Cranberry Almond Apple Coleslaw

In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school, work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us. 

Brene Brown

There is a chill in the air that signifies the change of season. I remember when I was little and I would wake up to run outside to play and I would stop dead in my tracks. The smell of fall would waft on the breeze. It let me know that it was time to get back to routine. Back to school.

The last 2 weeks of summer were always super exciting for me! The thought of seeing all my friends again made me so excited I could barely sleep! I would wonder if the cute boy would be my class that year and what my teacher would be like. I would start trying on new outfits and my Mom would take me shopping for a first day of school outfit! My favourite part though was always labelling my school supplies! The smell of a new notebook and freshly sharpened pencils are 2 of my favourite smells even to this day!

As a Mom I have to say labeling school supplies is not one of my favourite activities anymore 😂. I didn’t realize how expensive school supplies were! Actually, I believe the problem stems from all the parents that tried to save a buck on school supplies. All those parents that bought dollar store brand glue and crappy pencils and pencil crayons totally screwed the rest of us over! Now, the responsible parents have to buy 10 glue sticks, 8 good quality erasers, 2 packs of markers and countless other supplies to put in the communal pot. I see parents bitching on Facebook about supplies and people telling them not to bother and to only get what their child needs and it really irks me! I have to pay more because of people like you! It takes a village and if we all did what we needed to do this wouldn’t be the case. This weekend we labelled our mountain of supplies! I always label even when they ask us not to in hopes that whatever is not used is returned at the end of the year. So far that has been exactly what has happened! OK that’s my rant and now I’m done 😂.

We of course did our beginning of school Interviews! I love reading these every year! Looking back and seeing how much they have changed over the years makes my heart want to burst 💛.

We always prepare for the new school year with brand new Chore Charts. At the beginning of year each of the Girls choose what chores they are going to add to their list. I really love using the charts because then they have a clear idea of what is expected from them 😊.

And just like that it was the First Day of School! I can’t believe this is HBear’s last year in elementary school! Where did the time go? I know everybody says that but it’s true! She still looks too little to be the oldest in her school! SBean was very nervous the night before school. She thinks grade 1 is going to be so much harder than kindergarten 😂. We went through all of her worries and realized that everything was going to be OK. And it was! She came bouncing out of her first half day of school with boundless energy and excitement for the next day!

Good luck my beautiful Girls! I love you both so much and you make me so proud every single day 💛.

This week Ninja and I enjoyed a quiet night by the fire doing what we love to do… podcasting! Check out Episode 82: Underwear Can Make You Unbalanced HERE

I am so jealous that Ninja’s parents are going on an amazing New York cruise! They helped me out so much during this last week of summer holidays, watching the Girls while I worked every day. To thank them and to give them a home cooked meal before they’re off jet setting LOL HBear and I worked all day and made them an amazing fall feast! We made a Pecan Crusted Pork Tenderloin with a Bourbon Mustard Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Green Beans out of the garden, homemade Garlic Herb Bread, Cranberry Almond Coleslaw, and we baked a Cinnamon Bundt Cake for dessert! It was amazing! There were no leftovers and everybody licked their plates clean! HBear rocked it and pretty much made the whole dinner by herself with just a little help from me 😊.

Pecan Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Bourbon Mustard Sauce

Serves: 6
Adapted from From A Chef’s Kitchen

NUTRITION: 335 Calories/Serving

1 package of pork tenderloins, trimmed of silverskin
3 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 cup pecan pieces, ground
1 tablespoon thyme, chopped
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
3/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup bourbon
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.

Rub the mustard evenly over the pork.

Combine ground pecans, thyme, cayenne, salt and black pepper to taste and spread in a pan. Roll the tenderloin in the nut mixture, coating well on all sides.


Transfer to the prepared baking sheet and spray with cooking spray. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or to an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees.

Meanwhile, prepare sauce. Combine chicken broth, bourbon and cornstarch in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low. Whisk in sugar, Worcestershire, soy sauce and mustard and stir until smooth. 

Whisk in butter. Add salt to taste. Serve with pork.

Cranberry Almond Apple Coleslaw
Serves: 6
NUTRITION: 160 Calories/Serving 

1 bag of Coleslaw Mix
1 apple, cut into matchbox strips
1/2 cup almonds, toasted
3 green onions, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 cup Craisins
1/3 cup mayo
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt

Wish together Mayo, lemon juice, sugar and salt.

Mix all other ingredients in a salt bowl.

Pour dressing over salad and stir until combined.

So remember last week when I said that I got a pedicure and waxed? I didn’t really elaborate on that story… 😳😂. I had a photoshoot last week! I was lucky enough to win a boudoir photoshoot with one of my favourite Okanagan photographers! It is not something I would normally do but having won the contest I felt like I had to step out of my comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunity!

Sometimes my skin has reactions to things. Actually, my skin reacts to everything 😒 so a week before the photoshoot I went to get my eyebrows waxed. I also wanted my bikini line because you know… boudoir photoshoot 😆 While my eyes were closed I felt wax above my upper lip. Before I could yell no, she ripped off my mustache… that I didn’t even know I had 😬. Needless to say I had a reaction. 

I sent this picture to my sister and this was her reaction 😂


The day of the shoot my face had finally gone down and I went in for my annual haircut.

The photoshoot went awesome! The photographer completely set me at ease and I had a great time! She sent me a few teasers and I can’t wait to see the gallery in a few weeks!

The next day it was the Girls turn! They both got cute little trims and then I took them out for end of the summer frozen yogurt!


We had such a fun time this weekend making dinner together! Even SBean helped out!

Sunday was a beautiful day so we took advantage of it and went to Kelowna and hiked Knox Mountain! This is the third mountain that the Girls have climbed! Pretty impressive for a 5 and 9-year-old! We had a picnic at the top of the mountain and took all different trails back to the start. It was the perfect way to end the summer!




We went on a mission this week to deliver flowers to all of our friends and family. We took flowers up to Nana, dropped off flowers to 3 of my Besty’s that are courageously starting school this week! I wish them all the best in their adventure! We also took flowers to MBesty who started a new job and moved into a new place! Congratulations 😘

Not only did school start this year week but dance did too! We got right into it with 6 classes on our first night! They are both so excited for the new challenges of new classes and so happy to be back in the studio!


Tomorrow Ninja and I leave for our weekend getaway to Portland! I am so excited to get back to a schedule and to get this year going! We had a wonderful summer and we made so many memories! I am so thankful for every minute I got to spend with my friends and family in this paradise that I call home ❤️

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