Mushroom, Spinach and Ham Quiche PLUS New Rules!


Curious people are interesting people; 


I wonder why that is. 


Bill Maher

Do you watch Real Time with Bill Maher? We do. I don’t particularly like him but I like his show. I like the format. He starts with the monologue and then he moves on and discusses a topic with 1 person. Then, he gets to the middle segment which is a panel of 3 people that he discusses topics with and then a 4th joins them. At the end he finishes it off with New Rules.

I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I have noticed since I’ve cut my blog down to one day a week they can get pretty… Lengthy.

I have had suggestions that perhaps I should start a 2nd blog. Keep one with recipes and the other as a personal blog. I honestly don’t have time for that LOL!

I started this blog to write about my family and to share a few yummy recipes along the way. I don’t want to take the personal aspect out of it. But, I get it, not everybody wants to look at 30 pictures of my kids! 😳 Some of my friends and my family throughout the country do, but, not everybody. So, I have decided to change up my format! As loyal subscribers/readers you are the first to see the change! I’m thinking something like this,

A – my weekly topic/discussion

B – my meat and potatoes… Get it? LOL this is where I would put my recipe 😉

C – my family photo album of what we did this week

My favourite blogs always have an interesting personal story. I like to read recipes but I also like to get to know the person writing them. It’s a community of women that I have not met but feel like I know very well. For a person like me that is borderline antisocial/has anxiety with people, this is the perfect situation!

So it would go kinda like this…

We had a hot weekend this week… Like really hot, like 38° hot!

It was our hottest day of spring so far. SBean and I were walking and she looked up at me and said, “Mommy it’s so hot out here I’m drooping!” I said, “oh Sweetie it’s still spring it’s going to get hotter!” And she said, “oh boy thank goodness I’m not a snowman!”


That evening I was sitting outside reading and I saw a mosquito! They have been silly this year. We rarely ever have mosquitoes, but it has been cooler weather so they have been terrible! Anyways, 1 was flying around my head for a long time. I completely ignored it until landed on my arm and SMACK! It was a goner. I then looked at the palm of my hand and started talking to it, “yeah Bitch, you ain’t got nothing on me Bitch, yeah! Take that, I’m from  motherfucking 204, you think you can beat me? I don’t think so. Winnipeg in the hoooouse…”
Then I heard my elderly neighbour from next-door say, “what’s that Krissy? Are you saying something to me?”

Nope just being Gangster ☠ Or is it Gangsta? Lol

End of school and all activities is officially underway! This past week was the end of Gifted, Brownies, Broadway, and Acro Jazz. We made Pop Rock gifts for each of her friends in each activity. Of course they’re not actual Pop Rocks! WTF? I bought a wholesale package at the Wholesale Club… got them home and realized they aren’t actual Pop Rocks!

For the Teachers I bought 7 different hand soaps. HBear looked at each one and picked out a specific soap for each teacher. When we got to the end there were 2 left, 1 for her Brownie leader and 1 for her Gifted teacher. 1 was a natural soap. I suggested “Your Gifted teacher is very natural, why don’t you give it to her?” You could see the lightbulb go off in her head LOL and she said, “you’re right Mommy!” She grabbed the other soap and put her Gifted teacher’s tag on it.


“Oh? I thought you were going to give Miss T the natural one?” She looked at me like I fell off the turnip truck… Oh man, that’s a horrible saying! Oops anyways, she slowly said “she can’t have the natural 1 she doesn’t teach naturals she teaches gifted!” She was quite proud of herself that she put that together. LOL it is so interesting to see how her brain works!

Speaking of, HBear told me the other night that her and her 2 best friends broke up. I’m like what does that mean? You broke up? And she said, “well 1 of the Besty’s decided that we fight too much and it would be best if we weren’t friends anymore.” The other one does not agree and HBear said like usual she is in the middle. I absolutely adore these 2 girls! They are both smart, confident, creative, and leaders. Sometimes it scares me that HBear is following them more than being a Leader herself but I have confidence that she will learn to lead no matter what 😊

When she told me this I said, “what are you guys fighting about?” She didn’t really remember but most the fights seemed very insignificant. So I said, “I have some advice for you. A fight doesn’t have to be a fight if you won’t remember in a week. A fight is only a fight if you let it get to that. If you feel very strongly about something you should definitely express it. But if it won’t bother you next week it shouldn’t bother you now. Friends love each other no matter what. If these aren’t the friends that you’re going to love forever that’s OK but if they are… Fight for them not against them.”

Later on she said “Mommy, I have changed my mind. I am going to listen to your advice and tell them I don’t want to break up with them. I mean COME ON you are 37 you have MUCH more experience with these things than I do.”

And she skipped off.

1 step ahead of me already 💛

HBear and I always have really great talks at bath time. It usually results in me telling her to stop growing! The other day she asked me if it was the truth? Did I really want her to stop growing?

I thought about it, and then I told her the truth. 

“I do and I don’t. I want to see you grow up and go out and become your own person.” I explained to her that I was looking forward to the day I didn’t have to do everything for her. But, on the other hand I absolutely didn’t want her to grow up and start doing things on her own. 

I asked her, “does that make any sense?” And she replied, “yes. I want to grow up and do fun things like stay up late. But I don’t want to grow up because I don’t want to get pregnant and have my belly cut open and I don’t want to lose you.” Then she explained, “when I make a wish, I wish that you never that DWORD” and she pointed up.

Sigh… so much heaviness for 1 so young 😔

On the other hand…

HBear asked me on the way to school the other day why everything says made in China? Lol

Then she asked me where her Pa China was and what was a clip forest? Upon more information we realized she meant vagina and clitoris… LOL I told her it was a good thing she asked Mommy where her clip forest was because Daddy didn’t know either!

Just joking! I thought it was hilarious… she didn’t enjoy the fact that I wouldn’t explain the joke to her 😂

The other day HBear and I were discussing compound words. We listed off a few… afternoon, popcorn, cupboard, etc. Then she said “don’t forget totally.”

“That’s not a compound word Sweetie.”

She put up a little “yes it is” “no it isn’t fight” but our night continued on.

Later I found this on my bed…

Well, how can I argue with that? LOL

2 weeks ago I made this ah-mazing quiche. Yes those 2 words can go together 😄

It was so good that I made 2, I froze the extra one and we already ate it! This quiche is flakey, moist, full of flavour, filling and only 342 calories!

Mushroom, Spinach and Ham Quiche
Adapted from Plating Pixels

1 pre-made 9-inch pie crust
¾ cup cooked deli ham, sliced
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
1 tablespoon oil, divided
1 cup spinach
1 medium yellow onion, chopped (I used red onion)
1/2 cup mushrooms, 
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1.2 teaspoon paprika
salt & pepper
5 eggs
1 cup milk

I doubled up and made 2! I put 1 in the freezer and we will have it in 2 weeks when I am craving this amazing quiche again!

Preheat oven to 375º F.

Heat half a tablespoon of oil to medium-high heat in a large pan or skillet. Add ham and saute until starting to brown.
Sprinkle 1/2 cup of cheese over bottom of pie crust. Top with ham.
Heat the rest of the oil in same pan. Add onion, spinach and mushrooms. Cook 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until mushrooms and onions are slightly tender. 
Add garlic, salt and pepper. 
Stir and cook 1-2 minutes more. Remove from heat and arrange over ham in pie crust.
In a large bowl, whisk eggs, paprika, and milk together. 
Season with salt and pepper. 
Mix until blended. Pour over ham and vegetables in pie crust (do not overfill). Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Place a large baking dish halfway filled with water in bottom rack of oven (this adds moisture to quiche). Place quiche on top rack and bake 40-45 minutes.
Let stand 5 minutes before cutting.


This week HBear and SBean had their annual dentist appointments. This was SBean’s first real visit. She was great but was very hesitant to go backwards in the chair. LOL No cavities for either of them!

HBear began her tennis lessons.

I have been eating healthy lunches and keeping my calories entered into my Fitbit! 

SBean and I have been busy playing boardgames, practicing our letters and doing fun puzzles.

HBear had her windup for Brownies at the local adventure park, Locolanding. It was windy and chilly but we still had a BLAST! 


Super proud of HBear! Last year she could only go up about a 1/4 of the way up the rock wall and this year she made it almost to the top!



HBear took the BIG jump!

They have a new attraction this year, The Big Baller! It totally reminded me of my early 20’s and watching Asian gameshows late at night after the bar. LOL I remember when Ninja first moved into the house with my Sis and I. Those 2 used to stay up all night laughing and watching those shows! If I didn’t trust them so much I would have wondered… 😜



HBear’s class won a prize for good behaviour. After brainstorming, they came up with an outdoor day prize. They read outside, had a picnic, played games, and did their work in the sun. When I was leaving hot lunch the other day I drove by them all playing frisbee 😊

HBear had her Acro Jazz recitals this weekend, 1 on Friday night and 1 on Saturday afternoon!!! They were Fantastic! I didn’t record… I actually just watched!?!?! It’s true 😉 However, I DID record their dress rehearsal last month LOL I was impressed with them this weekend! Their cartwheels were better, their kicks were higher and their energy was amazing! No mistakes, lots of smiles and HUGE applause! So proud of you HBear, your love for dance and dedication makes my heart swell 💗

On Friday after school I took HBear over to my SBesty’s place. She is THE dance Mom. Unlike me! Every year the other dance Mom’s tsk at my poor attempt at a bun and sneer at my lack of makeup finesse. One year I brought the wrong coloured nude pantyhose! Seriously, how many types of nude pantyhose are there? While I studiously watched SBesty make a perfect bun in HBear’s hair, SBean and her GymBesty jumped on the trampoline.

It was actually hilarious, when I got to my SBesty’s house she had a very special gift for me…

BAHAHAHAHA! Awesome! It truly came in handy on Saturday, when I had to do HBear’s bun all by myself?!?!?

Thanks to SBesty, my bun was freaking awesome! When we got to the theater and I took HBear backstage, our main “Dance Mom” actually made a comment about her hair! I done good!




Dad and Ninja went on Friday night and on Saturday, SBean was my beautiful date 💛


She is the last one on the right!


On Sunday we relaxed! We went to my in-laws for breakfast and a swim. They are still in Europe so we went by to water plants and bring in the mail.






On Sunday afternoon HBear had her Broadway recital! They sang Anything You Can Do from Annie Get Your Gun. It was 35 degrees out though and the church, where it was held, didn’t have AC… but they were still great!


We bought HBear a spring bouquet to celebrate her many accomplishments this weekend, plus Papa bought her DQ and I made her one of her favourites… ribs for dinner!

After 3 recitals and a scorching heat wave, we made martinis and set up the sprinkler! 

Cheers to a great week!



0 thoughts on “Mushroom, Spinach and Ham Quiche PLUS New Rules!”

  1. Your life looks idyllic! I read your blog and gaze and your photo's and feel a little bit envious. I 💖 BC.
    I also like the looks of your quiche. Since I have all the ingredients on hand, i'm going to give it a try. I usually like quiche lorraine.

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