Snowmen Cupcakes and Cool Yule 2014

Once again, we come to the holiday season – a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.


Dave Barry

Every Monday I go to Superstore to buy my groceries. I’ve been collecting points all summer so that over the winter I have points to use. I’ve saved up enough points for $350!! Yay Me! 🙂

Kinda like a a squirrel collecting nuts for the winter LOL

This past Monday I dropped HBear off at school and quickly ran to Superstore because Ninja had to go to work by 10. It’s crazy that we’re in the middle of December and the guys are still cleaning windows. 

So, I quickly zip through the supermarket because I have my trusty shopping list that goes with my weekly menu 🙂 I get to self check out with 30 minutes to spare. I put all of my groceries through use my gas coupon and then call the attendant over to ask her to use $50 worth of my points. 

She explained to me that she didn’t know how to do it but she would try. Next thing I know she pointed out the whole bill  with $.67 as my balance owing. As she tried to correct it I realized it had taken 15 minutes and I just needed to get home. So I put in my loonie. It did not register and of course that was the only bit of money I had on me because I always use my credit card to get the points… GROAN, however, I was not using my credit card for $.67! So I called the attendant over.

At this point there’s a huge line and I had way more than 25 items. I just hate going through the real line. I bag my groceries very quickly, I am very fast. I know most of the codes off by heart,  I don’t even have to worry about produce. 

Still I feel guilty about going through when there’s a line up afterwards. I only go through when it’s empty but at this point everybody is waiting for the attendant and she was completely frazzled. 

When she came over, she gave me change, so of course I put that in. She stopped me halfway through saying “… that was your change from your dollar.” Shit.

I don’t care about the change! I just want the receipt lol.

I always go over the receipt, it’s like the reward after I put away the groceries 🙂 I don’t know, it’s weird. 
So, after another five minutes of her trying to get the receipt she hands it to me and I say thank you to her and I jokingly suggest then neither of us buy a lottery ticket today lol. 
When I went over my receipt later I noticed at the bottom it said transaction voided. 


Yesterday I was going through my points app to see how many points I got on Monday and it shows no new transactions?!?! I called the store and they said that the unless I had the receipt they couldn’t do anything about it. Of course yesterday was recycling day so I threw everything out. 
Well I tried and now I just have to deal with the fact that I got a week’s worth of free groceries… Merry Christmas!!!!!!! 

We then paid it forward by donating to The Magnus Hay Formula Drive for Winnipeg Harvest. It is an amazing fundraiser a local Winnipeg woman started last year. 

It is crazy, in such a good way, that there are people out there that see something they don’t like and do something about it. Susan Krepart is one of the funniest! SMART doer… you know like gettin’ shit done, DOER, that I have ever met in my life.

We also collected a basket of food and clothes to donate to the South Okanagan Women in Need Shelter tomorrow 🙂

Today is HBears Christmas concert. This year the teachers voted to have a morning and afternoon concert instead of an evening concert. 
I’m not going to get too involved with this because I have such mixed feelings about it. In one way we are lucky because there are many other schools out there that have decided to not put one on at all. 
This is unfortunate and I have stood behind the teachers but I feel like they should want to do this for the kids. The government doesn’t care that you are taking a stand. You signed the contract for the next six years. They don’t care that you don’t do Christmas concerts. 
You know who does? The kids. They care. My BCBesty’s daughter isn’t having a Christmas concert, she cares. Yes, the parents care but really, your son or daughter is up there for a minute and 50 seconds singing some Christmas song but some of the group is singing,some of the group is picking their nose and the other group is singing the same thing but it is 30 seconds behind!

Yeah… most parents go because the joy of seeing your child look out in the audience and see you there watching them perform is what matters 🙂 THEIR happiness. That is the most important thing. It’s for the kids. 
Super excited to see her though. She is Santa’s elf. All the grade ones are singing the song that I have heard nonstop for the last two weeks.

It’s even better when her AND her Besty are in the van and they’re singing it on the top of their lungs and then SBean gets right in there because she knows most of the words by now too and the ones she doesn’t she loudly humms along to Lol “We are Santa’s elves filling Santa’s shelves with a toy for each girl and boy oh we are Santa’s elves.” Lol

Yesterday we made Snowmen Cupcakes for the bake sale today. Before and after the morning and afternoon concert we have a book and bake sale hosted by the PAC. Ninja is home today so he will look after SBean and I’ll pretty much be there all day watching the concerts and helping out. 

So in the afternoon I baked the cupcakes while HBear was at school so they would be nice and cool by the time she got home. Don’t get me wrong, these are cupcakes out of the box. Lol I hate baking. So these are the confetti cups from Duncan Hines. It’s the mix, three egg whites, 2 tablespoons of oil and one and a third cup of water. 

SBean loved taste testing!! 


When HBear got home from school I frosted them with Betty Crocker frosting LOL and she sprinkled white crystal sugar, added 6 mini chocolate chips for the smile, 2 mini chocolate chips for the eyes and 1 candy corn for the nose 🙂







Motivational Monday DIY, Craft and Home Decor Link Party


Yummers! They look so good and they are super light and yummy! Plus, it was something that was not too difficult for HBear so there was no frustration and no stalling. She really enjoyed making each face and “taste testing the chocolate chips is the very best part of decorating right Mommy?” Lol


The concert was GREAT! The kids were so happy and did such a great job! Plus we sold all the baked goods and tons of books… mostly to me and my MBesty LOL


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