Last day of Kindergarten…. Maybe and the Office is done, FINALLY!

I know up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here on the bottom, we too should have rights.


Dr. Seuss


A strike to me has whole new meaning this week. I am not going to get political on you. I will just say, I support the teachers. I am looking at the big picture and know that this strike is in the best interest of my province, my children and our future.

With that being said… The Strike now means I get summer holidays a week and a half early. 
Many years ago I would’ve thought that would be great but now I’m thinking OMG what am I going to do for extra week and a half with these girls????
So far I have managed. One strike date I took the girls to the Fat Cat children’s festival in Kelowna.














It went super awesome minus a few details like one crazy hosebag, lol so were standing in line waiting for the Davidson Farms photo op when honey bears turn comes up. And this lady is all like hey it’s our turn and pushes HBear off the tractor. 
So I go up to her and put my hand on her shoulder and quietly remind her that we are at a Children’s Festival and there’s no need to act like that.
Well she turns around and says, “yeah well you’re ugly!”
And I said “well that very well may be but I still don’t act like that in front of my children.”

So she kept on complaining about me cutting in line and when all was said and done and her little kids went before HBear and her friend,


as they were leaving she yelled out BITCH!

In fact the next three stops where we saw them she yelled out BITCH!
Seriously? I was amazed by the different attitudes in Kelowna as compared to our smaller city of Penticton. The differences were very noticeable. Here in Penticton I just talk out loud and people just generally answer me lol. There, when I asked the crowd whether or not they thought I would get a parking ticket, you know to be friendly and joke around with other moms, everyone just stared at me and kept on walking.
Hmmm. Plus every mom there look like a stepped out of fashion spread on vogue and I was seriously in mom mode, I had a hat on and sunblock on my nose 🙂

Last strike day HBear and I did crafts and errands. We worked on Ninjas and my dad’s Father’s Day gifts I can’t wait to share them with you. But I will because ninja reads the blog so does my dad and I don’t want to give away any of our secrets lol!! I also took the kids to the park for some much needed fresh air 🙂


I’ve noticed something. HBear knows how to push SBeans buttons and she does so with great pleasure. It’s horrible, all day I’m separating those two I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like all summer and the thought of having the next week and a half off too almost makes me want to go put flaming poop on Christie Clark’s doorstep and ring the doorbell.
So that’s what I think of the strike.
This is a crazy week knowing that it may be our last week of school there was lots of catch-up stuff to do plus I’m still painting the house and I was really hoping to get most of it done before HBear was off school… Not going to happen lol.

Ninja put irrigation into my herb garden!
The girls “helped”
We helped Grandma and Grandpa by visiting their pool while they are away 🙂






SBean helped me pick out paint


SBean carried the snacks to HBear’s soccer


We had a volunteer tea at the school 🙂 One of my LunchLady Besties
My other LunchLady Besty!
HBear handed out my thank you gift, awe
SBean “helped” at hot lunch… these 2 are Trouble! LOL
So today was the last day… the final day of kindergarten. I totally feel ripped off probably because last year when HBear graduated preschool it was right after mom passed and I just got the saddest joy of her graduating from preschool. I was really looking forward to kindergarten to grade one graduation and taking the pictures and doing all that stuff and today I got a rushed final day 🙁 I know it’s silly but omg how is she graduating from kindergarten??? She is my baby girl. How did a year go by already? I need another week and a half…


So for their final day the teachers planned a sports day. Fantastic that will be perfect for the kids especially because their field trips have been canceled, the graduation ceremonies have been canceled and their big parties have been canceled… ahhh poor kiddos.
And it rains. I mean it is been raining all night and all day. Can’t these kids catch a break?
I am amazed at what they threw together in short notice, the kids had a fantastic time they moved everything inside they had freezies for recess, pizza for lunch and seven different activities!  It was great they even got to use plasma cars down the hallway and have a paper ball fight in the library!!!! The teachers were fun and everyone had a great day! The principal and her team really impressed me, it was a very fun day!

Reading Train
Plasma car races
Paper ball fight lol
Scooter races… HBear was terrified! LOL


HBear and Kyra 🙂
HBear and her Besty
The Pink Ladies LOL
Pizza Lunch
So HBear collected her stuff after school gave her teacher a nice little gift, she painted a terra-cotta flowerpot and replanted a little flower inside 🙂 we also bought her a movie pass and HBear made her a really nice little card.

So congratulations HBear… you ROCKED kindergarten! 

You were braver than you believed, stronger than you seemed and smarter than you thought (Winnie the Pooh) 🙂

She brought home her art folder, her writing book, her drawing book, and her science experiment book today. we went through it all and she really did have a great year and I’m really proud of her! Sniff sniff.

Every year I give a book to her teacher to sign. On her grade 12 graduation I am going to give it to her 🙂 Thank goodness I did this last week!



So like I was saying we have been painting the house. So the hall is done and the dining room/living room are almost done but I think I should show you pictures of the office before we get too far into house renos lol so here is the office redo!
Dad’s CANUCKS side


Ninja’s OILERS side

As I look at this again I realize I took pictures with Carnival stuff everywhere!!! LOL I will take better pictures tomorrow and repost. Sorry LOL!!




My side lol

So here’s the thing with the rolling pin. My cousin Kyla got married before any of us. My Granny gave her a rolling pin. She said it was a tradition. She died before I got married and 1 of my thoughts when she died was, I will never get a rolling pin.

For my wedding shower my thoughtful and amazing sister got me one.



It sucked LOL. Seriously it broke but that was not the point LOL. I kept it in hopes of finding a good use for it…. I think I found the PERFECT use for it 🙂

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