Like a Phoenix you have risen From the ashes and the flames – Lynn C. Johnston

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.
Henry David Thoreau

This weekend was tough for so many reasons. Most in which are obvious.
10 years old? Really? WTF??????
This weekend was the first time I saw Ninja completely lost. I mean truly lost.
Ninja is the best navigator I have ever met. He can go to a city, area, massive parking garage, anything and find his way around. He can follow a map like nobody’s business. He did study/work as an airtraffic controller for 3 years J
During my Mom’s passing he steered the ship. He maintained all stations so that everything ran smoothly on our ship as we teetered through a storm.
This weekend he barely spoke throughout all our 25+ hours on the road. He didn’t even complain about my playlist. He just drove.
He barely ate the entire weekend. I mean I bought A LOT of junk food and not even those raspberry crème Peak Freens could entice him. Not even the Aribas he himself professed to crave so he stopped at a gas station for little bags! Not even the amazing Appies at the family gathering on Friday. I mean we are talking lobster and filet crostinis, salmon mouse in little edible spoons and delicious looking desserts, I tried a chocolate cake one and it was super good!
This weekend Ninja got lost in Edmonton. We had trouble getting to every place. We even left the freakin’ lights on in Herbie (my sister’s car) and had to get a good morning Prairie boost J We had to stop 2 times to get to the funeral. That is soooooo not like him. In fact…
He actually lost his cool a little.
It was very unusual. He is always so calm. He is the first person I would want around in an emergency. He just moves. He just knows how to take charge and complete the task. He can look at the map once and know where to go…
I am NO help believe me. I cannot read a map to save my life. Seriously when Mom and I drove to Seattle I had the map. Jebus I had her laughing so hard she had to pull over to read the map herself. HAHAHAHA OMG that was a good day.
One time while travelling with my Wpg Besty, she pulled over and told me to get out. It was in the middle of Minneapolis and I seriously thought she was going to leave me there in some park in the middle of the city… that had a cemetery!!! I think she almost thought she would too. I CANNOT read a map.

We got home at 6:00 and the girls were in bed, we were unpacked, had dinner, bathed and Ninja had vacuumed out the van by 7:30. I finally came into my room to do some housekeeping.
Emails and facebook cleanup/catchup. LOL
When I was brushing my teeth and settling in I looked up and starting thinking Please don’t let anything else happen to us. My SIL’s SIL (we are a tight family all around, even the inlaws J) had the unthinkable happen this weekend. L 

I was pleading to whatever higher power was or could be listening.
Then I stopped.
And I started saying thank you.
Thank you for getting my family home safely today.
Thank you for Ninja and the fact the he was so there for his family and was a great, loving, and sensitive Daddy throughout a really tough weekend with lots of emotion, lots of driving and lots of thinking.
Thank you for two wonderful daughters that handled this weekend with grace, spunk and thoughtfulness. This was really hard on HBear and she asked good questions and was so well behaved I was bursting with pride. SBean was delightful and took it all in stride.

The tears started and I kept thinking…
Thank you for the quality family time I had with the entire Maier family. My heartbreaks for my MIL. She just saw her baby lose his baby. She got slammed… twice… My FIL too.
Thank you for an amazing sister and BIL for taking over full time Uncle and Aunt roles for the entire weekend so I never had to worry about the kids. Not once. For opening their home to us so easily and completely. They went the EXTRA mile.
Thank you for the most amazing new niece she is so happy and inquisitive and set in her ways. Oooo I just love her to pieces. That smile. 
Thank you for to the best SIL ever for thinking of my niece and bringing her a darling little outfit. Her thoughtfulness astounds me. I love how ALL the cousins are cousins. *We are thinking of your family and sending them positive healing thoughts.*
Thank you for the most amazing new nephew he is just a little devil lol he is going to be a heartbreaker!

Thank you for a BIL and SIL who handled this inexcusable injustice with grace and courage. *I hope that there are sunny days up ahead for them as they heal as a family*.
Thank you for an Aunt that came out to Cochrane from Calgary just to visit our girls. She makes our family stronger.

Thank you to an Aunt and Uncle that offered up their house to us as a place to stay, no questions asked.
Thank you for Ninja’s Aunts that came from Calgary and always try to keep their finger on the pulse of the family. They always try to be there. Just as his other Aunt and family here in BC were there for us when Mom died. That Maier family sure does stick together.
Thank you for a Dad that welcomed us home and truly cared about asking how things went as his heart was right there with us. Family is the most important thing.
By the time I was done brushing my teeth I was bawling.
I am so grateful.

I am so grateful for what I have.

I am so grateful.

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