Tread softly, Breathe peacefully, Laugh hysterically. ― Nelson Mandela

I was a good schooler. I know that’s not a word but I was just good at school. ESPECIALLY Elementary lol. Last week was like being back in school. LOL

On Wednesday was the bake/book sale and HBear’s concerts!!! When I dropped off the baked goods, they mentioned they still needed volunteers for the actual sale. So I said, “well I can come back.” LOL Little did I know…
So I was back at the school by 12:30 for the bake sale. I helped sell sell sell J Then we all filed into the gym to watch the concert. I was expecting to be home by 1 so this caught me off guard but the sale started again right after the afternoon performance so I stayed. It was all good because I got to see HBear’s songs and see where she was on the stage for advantageous seating later that night! Hee Hee Hee.
It was funny because HBear had no idea I was there and while setting up the sale I noticed her in her coatroom getting ready for outdoor play… WITHOUT her hat on!!! I barked from across the open area. “HONEYBEAR HAT!” lol She jumped and looked around sheepishly, hilarious! Then the little snot waved and ran outside… without her hat!!!!!! LOL
So, I was back again at 5:30 for more selling! My stuff all got sold quickly J Ninja, his parents and my Dad all had great seats and because I had already seen it I took The Bean and we danced around in the hall and popped in and out of the gym throughout the 12 Days of Christmas. HBear’s class was 4 snowmen and 5 Fat turkeys, soooo cute! 

She is the one in the black striped top and red bottom 🙂
It was 1 hour long and very well done! After the concert back to the bakesale lol.
While I was there these 2 women who remind me so much of my Bestie and myself, asked if I could help with Hot lunch the next day… ok!
So on Thursday I was back at the school, cutting veggies for veggie plates, cutting buns for hotdogs and filling lunch bags for hot lunch day!
I was hoping to get Christmas presents done this week but so far the sewing machine had yet to get going!!
When I picked HBear up on Thursday afternoon, her teacher asked me “Do you think you could come in tomorrow morning to make gingerbread dough?” On Fridays I volunteer in HBear’s class from 1:30-2:45… so ok I guess lol
On Friday morning I thought I could make this dough quickly and get out of there to do my last bit of shopping… oh no. This IS kindergarten remember. The CLASS had to help make the dough!!! That means they had to each wash their grubby little hands and smell each ingredient and then help measure their specific ingredient into the bowl. It took me an hour and a half!! LOL
After I did the clean up and the dishes HBear’s teacher said “Do you think you could come early this afternoon to make sure the kids get to try them?” Ummmm, ok.
So I ran to the store, ran home to feed the Bean and then back to the school.
It is so weird being back in school lol. Like I said though, I excelled at school. I was always President of my class, the student council, the speaking performer at the Christmas concert, involved in the school newspaper, you know I had my finger on the pulse of the school. I slip into this school mom role very easily and without much discomfort. It is a bit unnerving though to be called Mrs. Maier LOL I haven’t been called that in the almost 4 years that I have been Mrs. Maier. So for the kids to all wave and yell Hi Mrs. Maier… it is a bit strange lol.
So I rolled out the dough, had each child come and wash their hands and press out their gingerbread man and then got them into the oven. I have never made gingerbread before but it turned out awesome! It was super tasty and even kindergartners can make it lol. This is the recipe!

Gingerbread Cookies
In a bowl mix:
2 ½ cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon ground allspice
Beat together in another bowl:
1 egg
1 cup dark brown sugar, packed
2/3 cup dark molasses
6 tablespoons butter, softened
Add dry ingredients slowly to wet ingredients and mix.
Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Preheat oven to 350.
Sift flour onto a large dry surface and roll dough out to about ¼ inch thick.
Press out with your gingerbread man cutters.
Place on a cookie sheet that has parchment paper on it.
Bake for 8 minutes.

So, after that I did the dishes, cleaned out the recyclable bin and helped each child paint their salt dough snowflakes. Washed all the tables down and it is home time lol
HBear and I rushed home to get ready for The Nutcracker! Dad bought HBear tickets to the ballet for her birthday and we are going with Ninja’s Mom! We made it a real girls night and went out for dinner first! It was an amazing night. HBear loved it! She sat on my lap to see better and watched the whole thing just riveted! It is truly beginning to feel like Christmas!

Yesterday was another busy day… HBear had dance class and then her besty’s birthday party. It was a Toonie party. Each child bring s 2 toonies, 1 for the birthday girl and 1 for charity, in lieu of a gift. What a wonderful idea! After the party Ninja and Dad picked her up and they all went to the Santa Clause parade.

Don’t be fooled… that is NOT snow behind HBear and Dad, it is SAND lol
Grrrrrrrr it is cold out!
HBear and the birthday girl watching the parade

SBean and I stayed home because it was FREAKING cold out!!! I have turned into such a marshmallow because in Manitoba the temperatures wouldn’t have held anyone back from the parade, but here… well it was so cold the usual long and exciting parade was less than ½ hour!!! LOL They got home and I had homemade soup and sandwiches all ready for them.


Well, I remember I was at this party in high school and 1 guy projectile puked all over the wall. It flew out. Ugh it was so gross. I hate being sick. I can do most things but cleaning up vomit has been my “OMG what will I do when I have to clean it?” HBear had 2 throw ups as a baby and 1 last year… I wrote all about it because, well puke is gross but rather funny to discuss AFTER the fact.
Last night at like 9pm we heard HBear start crying and coming down her stairs… sobbing “I puked! I puked!” We ran in and the smell!!!!!! Oh man. She had thrown up all over her comforter and then threw the comforter over the edge of her loft bed. The chunks hit the wall, the bookshelf, pretty much EVERYwhere L
I got her stripped down and washed up while Ninja took over puke cleanup… my hero!
We got her a bowl and tucked her back in, new sheets and all. Ninja put the dirty stuff in the machine… for all those that have not had this happen to them yet, heed my warning,
Yeah, I found this out when I lived in this little apartment when I was 22 years old. Ninja’s friend fell asleep on my daybed in the livingroom after a good drinking night and proceeded to throw up egg McMuffin (very early morning drunken snack from across the street) all over the bedding. Ugh. I threw it in and every time I took it out of the small little coin operated washing machine, eggs flew at me! It was disgusting. Ninja had no idea though and he now knows too lol.
So all the chunks need to be cleaned out of the washer… and dryer if you think it is clean and throw it into the dryer, like Ninja did!!!! HAHAHA

Doesn’t matter because by this morning I had a PILE of laundry to do. We had to change her bed 2 more times. SBean screamed every time HBear woke up retching, it was just plain horrible!

Awwww poor baby, she watched Xmas movies all day
SBean stopped by for a cuddle 🙂

So tomorrow I will be making dinner again lol. We have been doing stuff but I can’t show you until after Christmas… my family pretty much are my only readers and the gifts we have been working on are for them! J
But I promise this week… less talk and more eating and crafting!

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