If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seatie – Everybody!

I feel like I NEED a Friday rant…
This Friday for your reading pleasure I give you, the Bathroom. Cue the frightening music that plays from no where.
Right now my Mom is laughing at me. Seriously, I feel like I can hear her cackle. Granted I have been the sole housekeeper in our home for a long time, my Mom had MS which hindered her ability to keep the house up. For my birthday, she cleaned the bathrooms for me. This thought makes me cry actually because I now realize no one is ever going to clean my bathroom that well ever again… unless it is me.
I hate cleaning bathrooms. I don’t mind vacuuming, I actually like laundry and dusting is something I do while I am flat out shaking my groove thing around the house. I secretly want those slippers that sweep while you walk dance around. Hee Hee
BK (Before kids) Ninja was in charge of bathrooms. We both worked full time and went to school so the duties were pretty equal. When Mom came to visit when HBear was born she was blown away… at my poor housekeeping skills. She cleaned for 2 weeks. The whole house smelled like vinegar. I only use vinegar, lemon juice and borax for almost ALL my cleaning. I have since gotten MUCH better. She almost never said anything about my cleaning, well almost LOL
Actually in her last month I went out to the suite to ask if she would be able to make it in for dinner. She said she was going to try. I warned her that the house was messy. It wasn’t for me but I know her standards! She rolled her eyes and said “who cares. I am sorry for making that a priority and I hope you don’t make the same mistake. Life’s too short my dear. Who cares.” I laughed at her, thinking WOW this must be a bad day for her. Now I realize she knew… and she was taking stock.
I love baths. I mean, Fridays BK I would get home and there would be a bubble bath drawn, a glass of red poured and my ipod ready to go. Yeah, Ninja is THAT good. I LOVED Friday bubble baths.
We moved here September 1, 2009. Mom and Dad bought a huge GLASS steam SHOWER in February 2010. LDon’t get me wrong it is great but we no longer have a bath. HBear brings bubbles to every family member’s house… just in case she is lucky enough to get a bubble bath after dinner. LOL. She has had like 10 in Grandma and Grandpa’s new big bath already LOL.
It is the hardest shower in the world to clean. It is all glass. Did I mention my family owns a window cleaning company? Yeah, pressure to keep that thing “Sparkling” is intense!

I get down on my hands and knees and scrub. I use this little red toothbrush to get in the corners and all along the door. Then I spray all the glass and scrub… then squeegee. After the whole shower has been scrubbed, squeegeed and dried, the shining begins. All the chrome gets vinegared and polished. Then I begin the outside. 2 kids = millions of fingerprints The modern European vanity is a chore in itself… not to mention that when I finish the main bath there is the ensuite!

My Mom used to feel bad about “not pulling her weight” and had a housekeeper come in twice a month to help with the bathroom and wash the floors. We had 2 quit within months, I wonder why? LOL

The BATHROOM.. cue music

EVERYTHING streaks!!

Look at the shine!


“Ummm shoot me” LOL
On a side note, today is the last day of HBear’s Summer gymnastics camp! She had so much fun at Fitkidz!! She begins her normal fall session in 2 weeks.

Doing her best Gymnastics pose 🙂

Now as for dinner…

I am throwing together scraps. Kinda. It is a chicken kinda night.
I’m going to call this…
F* the Bathroom Yummy Chicken
4 Chicken Breasts (I used 5 but 2 were VERY small)
¼ cup honey
¼ cup Dijon Mustard
½ cup Tex Mex Cheese
8 pieces of bacon, cooked slightly
½ Red Onion, sliced thinly
Pico De Gallo
4 Roma tomatoes, chopped
½ Red onion, chopped
Handful of Cilantro, chopped
½ Lime, squeezed
Mix the honey and the mustard in a ziplock and place the chicken breasts in, give it a good shake. Let it marinate for the day in the fridge.

Make your Pico. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and add salt and pepper. Put in the fridge for later.

So, I had left over bacon and bacon should NEVER be wasted. So I cooked it up. Not too crispy though it is going under the broiler still.
Take the breasts out and discard the marinade. BBQ the breasts until fully cooked… why do we feel the need to put this into the directions? Everybody knows to cook the chicken fully, right?
When they are ready, assemble. Put some red onion on 2 pieces of bacon and a sprinkle of cheese. Place under the broiler until nice and bubbly.

Serve with Pico, rice and fresh green beans… or anything you have left in your fridge, it IS Friday!
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