Living Under A Heat Dome &Tequila-Lime Chicken Kabobs


One of the big questions in the climate change debate: Are humans any smarter than frogs in a pot? If you put a frog in a pot and slowly turn up the heat, it won’t jump out. Instead, it will enjoy the nice warm bath until it is cooked to death. We humans seem to be doing pretty much the same thing.
Jeff Goodell

Where do I start?? It has been a whirlwind of a week! I’m having a hard time collecting my thoughts so I’ll pick the first 4 things I can think of

1. Dance is over for the season!
2. School is over for the year!
3. We are living under a heat dome.
4. My Sis, BIL, SweetPea, and CabbagePatch will be here tomorrow!

On Saturday the Girls had their dance finale at the Venables Theatre in Oliver. Due to Covid restrictions only the dancers were allowed in the building. That meant all of us dance moms set up shop in the ridiculously hot desert parking lot. I don’t mean deserted I mean desert because Oliver is in Canada‘s only semi arid desert! The heat was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. SBean had an incredibly hard time keeping her emotions in check. I constantly had to tell my 8-year-old to stop crying or she was going to ruin her fake eyelashes! 😂 The Girls were troopers! I honestly don’t know how they remembered all the dance moves and stayed focus in the extreme temperature! Their commitment to dance was taken to a whole new level and I am so proud of them! Next year we will be taking baby steps back from dance as SBean would like to explore her other interests like gymnastics and swimming while HBear wants to concentrate on her Ballet and Pointe.

I can’t believe the school year is over! Perhaps it’s because I wasn’t as involved this year but it felt like school just started! Both of the Girls had extremely impressive report cards! HBear was all A’s and B’s although she didn’t make honour role and was completely devastated. I told her it was a fantastic report and if she wants to make honour roll her goal next year, with a little focus she absolutely will! SBean got more exceedings than meetings and that was her goal! They both had great years and are looking forward to grade 4 and grade 8! Grade 8? This is my babies last year of middle school coming up! Where does the time go?

I’m pretty sure I could use flowery words to describe what the end of dance and school means to me but I can’t right now because my brain is in a heat fog. I don’t have much to say about this besides… Climate change. What are we waiting for? I am going to do a well thought out post about my thoughts on the environment later this summer because it’s 41° out right now and feels like 47° and no matter how high I set the air conditioning it won’t go below 25° in my house. As I type this there are streams of sweat trickling down the side of my face and pooling in my sports bra. It’s uncomfortable and hard to focus in. I feel absolutely terrible for Ninja and my Dad having to work outside in this heat all week! I worry about them up on ladders and on top of roofs while the heat reflects off of the shingles! Summer has barely begun and the lake water feels like bathwater! We are in for a long summer. I am thankful to know that our fire department is ready and waiting for whatever may come!

Oh my God! Oh my God! My Sis is coming!!! It has been 70 weeks since I’ve seen her!! I don’t think we have EVER gone this long without seeing each other. The last time we were together was February 2020. Right before everything went down. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see my nieces! These early years are when so many changes happen. I see them weekly on our FaceTime dates but being able to hug them is going to be AMAZING!!

Check out How Was Your Week, Honey? Episode #230: Ruttine HERE! This week we discuss the heatwave! Topics: barn door, playback speed, Father’s Day, finale, Instastory, yellow butterflies, motorcycle lady, ballet barre, Stanley Cup, & dance moms ROCK!


We like to eat light in this heat. After a day at the beach with HBear I made Tequila-Lime Chicken Kabobs with rice and it was EXACTLY the right dinner! We loved the bright flavours and the lightness of the entire dinner. The veggies were crispy, the chicken was juicy and the sauce was a flavour bomb! Better yet all the herbs were from my little patio garden 💚.

Tequila-Lime Chicken Kabobs
Adapted from Deliciously Organic

4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons tequila
Juice of 1 lime
1 pound chicken, cut into bite-size pieces
2 bell peppers, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch coins
1 red onion, cut into 2-inch wedges

10 mushrooms, quartered


2 cloves garlic
1 cup cilantro
1 cup parsley
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Juice 1/2 lime
1/2 cup olive oil

In an ultimate chopper blend garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, tequila and lime.

Place chicken in a flat dish and pour marinade overtop. Let marinate for 1 hour, or for the day.

Preheat the grill to medium. Thread vegetables and chicken on stainless steel skewers . Grill skewers 2-3 minutes per side until vegetables are golden on the edges and chicken is cooked through.

Blend all of the sauce ingredients together in ultimate chopper and serve with kabobs.




We started our week with a letter from our friends in LA! They have a short married couple conversation weekly podcast called Talk-O Tuesday! They sent us some cool stickers to spread the word. I had my last online date night, at least for now, with my Sis, HBear celebrated Saint Jean-Baptiste Day at school, SBean shared her favourite Shel Silverstein poem with me, dance wound down, I did yoga, we ate some yummy dinners, had some beautiful sunsets, suffered through the HEAT DOME, and I volunteered to do hotdog day for the whole school with SBean’s PAC. The remains of 751 residential school victims were found that day. The school flew the flag at half mast.
On Friday SBean had her end of the year school trip to the beach and HBear had the day off so we went to the beach too! 
On Saturday was dance finale! Ninja bought the Girls a delicious ice cream cake to celebrate and everyone crashed pretty early that night.
On Sunday we stayed in the air conditioning all day. The Girls played dolls and I watched documentaries lol. 
Monday was SBean’s last full day of school and Tuesday was the last day of school for BOTH Girls! We celebrated with an evening dip at the beach and ice cream at The Penticton Peach.
Tomorrow… they get here!!!!!!





























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