If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.


Jack Handey Deep Thoughts


Last week sucked. 
On Tuesday while in the middle of cleaning the house, I got a call from the principal. Apparently HBear wasn’t feeling well. By the time she got to the office her temperature had skyrocketed and she was in full-blown tears.
I honestly don’t know how parents with seriously ill children do it. I am such a wimp I hated seeing my baby sick.
HBear has gotten a slight cold a few times. She has had a fever (38 or so) a few times. She has even vomited a couple times. But to sleep all day, have a steady 40 degree temperature even with Tylenol, throw up multiple times and not eat or drink for days… Well I just can’t take it!
It was horrible. The only thing making it worse was on Wednesday night when I looked at Ninja’s face and realized he had gotten it too 🙁
He actually missed work on Thursday! In almost 15 years I can’t remember the last time that happened!
On top of all the illness this week was a short week. HBear had early dismissal on Tuesday and Wednesday and a pro D day on Friday. That meant everything was compacted. Hot lunch was on Thursday.
You know what’s busier than the busiest Thursday?
Canceling our life on the busiest day, Thursday. LOL
Thank goodness for my HotLunchBesty picking up the slack! I had to call in for school, call in for Brownies, call in for Broadway, call in for HBear’s first gifted class, and I completely forgot to take SBean to her music class LOL. Not that I could’ve left all the sickies at home by themselves anyways haha. I had to make sure my HotLunchBesty had the cheques, the labels and the lists and the milk was being picked up. It totally threw me off my entire game for the week.
On Wednesday we had our parent teacher interviews. It went really well. So here’s the thing, HBear is like a sponge. She loves learning. We never have to force her and she picks workbooks to do instead of TV LOL she’s just that kid. We are extremely lucky. She has been reading for quite a while. She has a very high level of reading and comprehension… Although it has been a fight for the past 2 years to get teachers to see this. I am very careful about the books she reads. Just because she can read them doesn’t mean she should. She is still 6. I don’t want her reading books about grade 6 issues when she is in grade 2. However, the books she brings home for take-home reading have like 6 words on each page. They are not challenging and in fact she is discouraged by these books.
When I mentioned this, the teacher explained to me that there are only 2 months into school. She has no idea what her reading level is that so she’s just put her at the same level as everybody else.
Exactly! We are 2  months into school, how do you NOT know?
I also explained that HBear was quite upset that her new gifted program would be taking up her library time. I asked if there was a way around this.
She said that HBear could go to the library at recess if she liked. Completely missing the fact that there’s the social aspect and the learning aspect of library class. I guess we will just have to continue our own lessons at the public library… See below for that horror story LOL. 
Thursday is our takeout night and when I went to McDonald’s to get dinner I gave her the order and of course checked the bags. I do this every time because they always forget something. We eat there every 2nd or 3rd Thursday so I know this to be fact. So I count everything and when I get home I realize they shorted me a large fry. I even upsized them for my monopoly pieces LOL so of course I called them. They told me that they don’t do anything anymore if there’s an error! Seriously, that’s what the manager told me. She said unless you want to come back right now and get your French fries, which I did not because the rest of my food we get cold, there was nothing she could do about it.
Well… It is Monday and I am still smiting about that.
On Friday it was a pro D-Day and HBear was not only feeling better but pretty antsy from being stuck in the house all week. So, we went to the library!


I had returned all the books a few days prior because they were due. I had kept 5 out for renewal that HBear wasn’t quite ready to part with yet. We went to Storytime and the girls had fun. 
Then we took our 40 books up to the front to check them out. We put them all up there with the spines all together to make it easier on the librarian. Then she looks at me and says “you still have one book out and I can’t let you take anymore out.” I explained “Oh no these are my 5 renewals…” and she said “no even with those 5 you still have 1 out I’m sorry you can’t take any books out until you return it.”
Seriously? Are we doing this again? 3 weeks ago when we returned our books they did the same thing to me. I got angry and left all my books there because I knew I had returned all of the books. When I got home I called them and told them that I don’t have it please check the shelves. They told me I could come back and check whenever I would like!?!  For sure I would love to come back and do your job! Ninja went back to take out the books and he found the book on the shelf.
This time I said fine I will go check the shelves and find it myself and the lady said “we can do that for you when we have time.” Actually, I would like to take out all of these books now so I will go check. By this time I was vibrating and the wonderful children’s librarian said don’t worry about it I will renew it for now if you can’t find it at home will worry about it next time. Thank Gawd for Julia!
So, I went back up to the front and said everything has been taken care of please check out my books. And the librarian said “you know you don’t have to get mad at us it’s very frustrating when people like you don’t return books.”
I just looked at her and said “if that’s frustrating to you maybe this isn’t the right profession for you, I suggest changing it.” I checked out my books and we left.
I have since written a four-page letter to the library director. I have read their 9 page mission statement, where they talk about community and giving the patron the best experience… I have listed all of my experiences at the library that are absolutely unwelcoming. Hopefully, things will change as I have always loved going to the library and I think it is so important to maintain a relationship with the library so that the girls grow up feeling the same way.
Saturday night was Octoberfest. Ninja still wasn’t feeling top notch but he had plans to go with his parents and my Dad. So, I loaded up the girls and took them all to the convention center. They all got out and the girls started bawling! “We want to go we want to go!”
Yeah? You know who else wants to go? Mommy. Mommy always gets to stay home with you instead of going out. But lucky for us, we get a Girl’s night instead!
“But Mommy we had a girls night last weekend” they whined.
You’re absolutely right. Mommy and the girls had a girl’s night last weekend while Daddy and Papa were in Vancouver at the hockey game… My point exactly LOL
HBear finally got it and they settled down. So, we went home and had a picnic in front of the TV watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the original one not the crappy Johnny Depp one. After baths, books and snuggles they were in bed by 8 and I had some time to do laundry before I had to drive my in-laws home.
They all cabbed it home after 10 and I drove my in-laws back to their house. The gates to their house we’re closed and of course I hit the wrong buttons and called 1 of their neighbors! LOL My MIL laughed and said “At least you don’t have to press anything to get back out” I finally got to their driveway and said good night and then pulled back down.
The gate wouldn’t open.
I’m dead serious. It has never happened before and of course it could only happen to me, this week LOL.
I saw a pin pad so I got out of the van and tried a few codes, it worked! But the gates to come in opened and not the gates going out. So I quickly ran out and punched in my in-laws code to ask them to buzz me through.
My MIL said OK I’ll press it right now. Yeah… so the in gates open and not the out gate. We tried 3 times before I realized I had to book it back to my van, back up, go in the other lane and hopefully get through before the in gates before they closed on me the wrong way LOL. 
A half an hour later I finally made it home from my 10 minute drive.
Yesterday, Dad woke up and said “I really want to try those new wraps on the breakfast menu at McDonald’s.” So I say, “I’ll go and get them!” 
He gave me $40. I went through the drive-through even though I was still angry about my experience on Thursday. When I get up to the lady my bill is $21.13 so I gave her the 20 plus $1.15. 
Of course I had to pull ahead and wait for my order. When I got home I realized that I had given her both 20s!
Shit. Totally my fault but I have been a CSR, hell I even worked at McDonald’s for years. I never would have taken apart 2 20’s and kept 1. Karma to that lady!
I will be stewing over this for a while I can guarantee it LOL. And that’s it, next takeout day we’re going to Burger King!
First world problems. 😉
Now for the positives!
The Conservatives are out! Ninja popped me some corn so I could throw it at the TV but I didn’t even have to! It was a historical evening and Ninja and I recalled when we first met and I brazenly said “Mark my words Justin Trudeau will be our Prime Minister one day.” Hopefully he lives up to everything he has promised.
Everybody is healthy again!



HBear’s teacher said nothing but wonderful things about her!
While everybody was sick SBean and I dismantled the backyard for winter storage!
I got to get into a clean bed twice this week. I had cleaned all the sheets at the beginning of the week and everybody sweated out there sickness LOL so I did it again yesterday!
Everybody got sick the week before Halloween instead of the week of!
I finished Christmas shopping for my Sis and her family!


With half of the house in bed all week the house stayed relatively clean and being housebound left me time to wash the floors and clean out those closets… Especially the front hall closet that I have nicknamed Narnia LOL. 
The girls did some Halloween Mask painting! 



The backyard got put away,





HBear and Grandma went to Fabricland to pick out fabric to make special new pajamas,


This is what my she picked out?!?!?! LOL


AND… I got to snuggle with my girls a lot this week!
That alone made up for the entire rest of my sucky week J
After the stomach bug ran its course, I used up some of our Thanksgiving turkey that I froze to use at a later date. This was a really easy recipe that took less than 30 minutes and tasted awesome 🙂
Leftover Turkey Enchiladas

2 cups leftover turkey, cut up 
10 small tortillas
1 cup Mexican cheese, shredded
1 can black beans
2 tablespoons, taco seasoning (I used Epicure Fajita seasoning)
2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped

Preheat oven to 375.

Grease a oven safe dish. Add 1/4 cup of enchilada sauce to the bottom of dish.

Warm tortillas and place appropriate amount of turkey… beans…. cheese and a sprinkle of seasoning.



Wrap up and place in dish.

Pour enchilada sauce over the wraps. 
Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes.


Top with cilantro.





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