School’s Out, S’more Treats & Leftover Hotdog Hash

The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of school.

Alice Cooper

I cannot believe school is almost over! SBean finished preschool on Thursday,

and HBear finishes tomorrow!

I officially have a Kindergartener and a Grade 4er 😳.

These Kids amaze me!

HBear was challenged to make a picture and put positive words on it. All the kids were tasked the same thing. Same picture, different words. All the kids drew their owls sitting on a branch with one oddball hanging below. Not HBear! She put all of her owls hanging from the branch and just 1 on top! She asked her teacher if she could and her teacher said, “I’ve never thought about it that way. Of course you can.” 💕

So proud of that Girl! She certainly lets her weird shine 😊.

On the first week of school she won star student of the week… And on the last week she won it again!

It has certainly been a big week! The end of preschool, the last week of third grade, SBean went to a trial class of jujitsu (and loved it!) and I started work 😳. Kinda.

I have decided to add another element to Sparkles Window and Blind Cleaning! Starting in October we will be offering Sparkles Home Cleaning! Is the perfect job for me 😊 I get to make my own hours preferably 9 till 2 LOL plus I get some much-needed quiet time 😂. I am super detail oriented and actually I have never minded cleaning, well, I haven’t minded cleaning since I turned about 25 😂. I did 1 job a couple months ago for MBesty’s Grandma who was moving out of her apartment. This week I had another “move out” clean. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while SBean was in her last few days of preschool, I… Went to work 😊. Yay me!

In between all of the activities, graduations, work and trying to maintain some order around the house LOL I managed to get the Girl’s Summer Binders done!

I love Summer Journals! My Nana did them with us when we were kids and visiting during summer holidays. HBear loves recording all of her summer memories in her binder. I go online and print up free promps and journal pages and then put them altogether. This year SBean is going to do one as well!

Journalling is a perfect way to keep up their writing skills over the summer. I also add Mad Libs, geocaching logs, nature Bingos, and Reading comprehension pages. This year I have made a fabulous summer reading list for HBear including all of the call numbers from the library, this way she can find them herself 😊 (I will talk more about this in the next post).

This year we made S’more treats for all the Girl’s classmates! It was super easy and relatively cheap considering I now have over 40 treats to make!! We used those super awesome cookies that have the chocolate already on them plus a HUGE marshmallow!


Ninja and I enjoyed the beautiful weather on Friday evening and we podcasted in the backyard. We also took advantage of the gorgeous evening on Saturday and recorded a special episode of our liner notes which will be coming out soon 😊. If you are interested in catching up with How Was Your Week, Honey? episode 21 My Own Private J-Ho, you can find it HERE!

On Monday we had 10 hotdogs left over from our impromptu Father’s Day barbeque the day before. So I made… Hotdog Hash!

Hotdog Hash

6 hotdogs, cooked and chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
2 tablespoons oil + 1 tablespoon
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 1/2 teaspoons herb of your choice
5 potatoes, washed and cubed

Preheat oven to 375.

Toss potatoes with 2 tablespoons of oil and season with garlic powder, salt, pepper, and herb of your choice. Place in a glass baking dish.

Bake for an hour and a half tossing potatoes every 15 minutes or so.

In the last 15 minutes of cooking the potatoes turn a sauté pan on medium high and add last tablespoon of oil. Toss in the hotdogs and cook until they have a nice color.

Throw the veggies in the pan and season with salt and pepper. Cook until done but still crunchy.

Mix the potatoes in and serve it up with a sunnyside-up egg or a nice light salad (I served it with gross salads I bought for lunch the day prior).

SBean has been asking to try jujitsu for a while now. Now that dance is done I scheduled a trial class for her. She loved it! She loved the warm-up including the push-ups and burpees 😆 and she absolutely loved learning a few moves. She says she wants to join up in the fall!

On Wednesday it was SBean’s last day of regular Preschool. She got to be the VIP.

My MBesty, she owns Beyond the Stitch, made me the MOST beautiful pillows. She used a old Xmas tag my Sister had and replicated my Mom’s handwriting. So VERY special to me. SBean loves them!

Thursday was a busy day! We started off at HBear’s school where her class was performing small group fairytale plays. HBear was in the first performance and she was in Spiderella! Honestly, she blew me away! She was phenomenal up there! You can tell how much she loves to perform 😊. She was Spiderella and she got to marry Prince Cicada. It happens to be the blonde hair blue-eyed boy she’s been crushing on for 2 years LOL when I made the obligatory Mom sound, “oooooohhhhh.” She turned beet red and punched me in the arm 😂😂. Anyways, she said her lines clearly and when someone was talking to her she reacted to every line. There was one small problem when her apron wouldn’t come off when the God Moth tried changing her into a fancy dress LOL. She handled it like a pro and didn’t skip a beat! She just turned that apron to the back and kept on going! She wasn’t embarrassed, she wasn’t flustered, and she certainly made me very proud!

We left as soon as her performance was over as we had to rush to the park where SBean’s graduation ceremony was being held.

We started by participating in a drum circle! The kids had a blast!

After that all the graduates received their certificate, scrapbook, and a end-of-the-year book about kindergarten. The teachers prepared a little something to say about each of the kids, it was so freaking adorable! For SBean they said,

After all the kids got their certificates we have had a delicious pot luck! I brought my Individual Cherry Cheesecakes! SBean’s favourite was the rainbow sandwich 😂.

I of course took the Last Day of School pictures… TWICE!! Damn dates! LOL





HBear had a play date after school that ended up turning into dinner as well. She missed SBean’s graduation dinner. I let the Girls each pick out their favourite dinner for last day of school. I thought SBean would pick salmon but boy was I wrong! She picked Ramen noodles, chicken nuggets and coleslaw 🤣.

HBear felt horrible about missing her Sister’s big dinner and when she got home she asked me, “what can I do to make it up to my sister?” 

I said, “well, you told her you would read her a bedtime story. Perhaps you should sacrifice your TV time tonight and go to bed early with her and read her lots of books.” She thought about it and thought that yes, spending quality time with SBean reading some stories would be the perfect way to make it up to her 💛.

On Friday it was the first day of the Peach City Beach Cruise. It is the first “festival” of the year for our resort city. After dinner we all walked to the end of the street and sat and watched all the classic cars drive-by in the parade.

The next morning we are up at 6 AM 😬. HBear was going to a birthday party that evening and because it was a sleepover she set her alarm to make sure she woke up extra early so that she would be tired later on that night 😂. She has found that when it comes to sleepovers, she likes to stay up a lot later than the majority of her friends so she was trying to prevent the inevitable 😂.

We all went to the market in the morning and then headed over to Lakeshore where all the cars were parked and on display. It was a gorgeous morning!



That afternoon Ninja and I split up. He took HBear to her birthday party,

and I took SBean to her PSBesty’s birthday party at the waterpark!

School had been officially out for 48 hours and they acted like they hadn’t seen each other in years 😂.

At one point they were running around so fast that 2 of the girls, one being SBean, banged into each other and SBean fell. OMG The wailing that ensued! I went running over and even though it was just a tiny scrape she refused to go back into the waterpark.

I looked around and I remembered the theme of the birthday party… Trolls! I then said to her, “hey you! This is a Trolls birthday party! What does Poppy always say?” She looked at me and the tears stopped. She whispered, “get back up again.”

“That’s right! Poppy always gets back up again! I think she would want you to do the same!”

She stood up nice and straight and went running full force back into the spray pad 😀. 


That night we went and had a burger and a beer at the new beach side Patio! The view is amazing and all the old cars were still out and it was just an awesome time! We ran into my HLBesty and SBesn’s HLBesty 😊. They were so absolutely adorable together! It look like they were on their very own little date 😂.

The next day consisted of errands. Then we went over to my in-laws for a swim and a fabulous dinner.


For SBean’s first day of summer holidays she got a… haircut!

All in all it was a fabulous week! Let summer vacation begin!



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