Limping to the Finish Line… PLUS Lemon Garlic Baked Sole and Strawberry & Greens Salad with Honey Vinaigrette

We did it! It may not have been a graceful finish but it was a finish nevertheless. Today was the last day of school.


So before summer holidays officially begin, a little housekeeping of some random thoughts…

On Friday we had a planned blackout. Our zone had no power from 8:30 PM until 12:30 AM. No biggie… Right?
At 8:31 everything went dead. Ninja and my Dad were at my in-laws watching the Bomber game and the girls were already in bed. I had put out candles around the house and brought in the Coleman lantern for a “nightlight” for the girls. 

As soon as the lights went out I thought, perfect! This is the best time to do yoga. Right, I don’t have YouTube. Right, I don’t have music. 

OK I can take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and it was pitch black. Right. OK I’ll go make myself a nice cup of coffee, right. 

I thought hey, I can work on my Big Brother pool. I co-run a Big Brother pool and I had to update my spreadsheet. Of course all of a sudden I realized that my TV wouldn’t turn on. Oh right!

I knew all of this. I knew it all before the power went out. I have no idea why it still came as a shock. Knowing that I was cut off from the world and had no electricity put me in panic mode. It was a very strange feeling and I am almost embarrassed that I felt that way. 

Sadly… I admit, I am a slave to technology.
HBear has been bringing home her school supplies and school work. Last night I read through her writing journal and her art journal. Reading how she saw each weekend of our entire year was pretty awesome. I was gushing to her about how much I loved it when I smelled something truly awful. I looked at her, “is that you?” She just smiled and said “what? Do you smell daisies?” 😂
SBean walked up to me yesterday and looked me square in the eye and said, “you are my family. Family is my world.”

Today she walked up to me and said, “I love my Family. I love my family, my mountain family AND my city family.” LOL 

We have been talking about summer goals, I said “Mommy’s summer goal is to eat as many Smores as I can.” And HBear jumped up and down clapping and shouted “my goal is to learn how to do handwriting!” That’s just like last night, we were filling out our Grade 2 Last Day of School Interview and it asked, What do you want to learn in grade 3? She instantly said, “the same thing I’ve been asking to learn since Preschool!!! Chemistry of course!”

Of course what was I thinking!

SBean’s goal this summer is to go on fast rides at the carnival 🙂

HBear has been begging for salmon lately. I decided to test her. I bought Sole instead. I tried it out the other night and she LOVED it! This was a light and fresh dinner that made everyone clean their plates 🙂

Lemon Garlic Baked Sole

Adapted from The Whole Gang

1 pound Sole
2 teaspoons olive oil
Salt & Pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Pre-heat your oven to 425°F

Cover a cookie sheet with foil and spray with oil. Faster clean up 🙂

Place the fish on the pan, sprinkle with oil, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder and place into oven.

This fish will be done in 5-7 minutes. Check to make sure it is white and flakey.

Splash a little lemon juice over the fish and serve.


Strawberry & Greens Salad with Honey Vinaigrette
Adapted from The Kitchen is my Playground

3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
tablespoons water
tablespoon honey
2 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper

3 cups green leaf lettuce, torn
1 cup strawberries, 
1/4 cup almonds, 
1/4 cup Feta, crumbled

1/4 cup sweet onion, chopped finely

Toast the almonds in a small pan on low. 

Mix the 1st 6 ingredients in a jar and refrigerate.

Toss the last 5 ingredients together and top with dressing. I let everyone dress their own salad. 


The past two weeks have been like a “Auntie Em, Auntie Em a twister, a twister” came through our house. I’m pretty organized and usually I get everything on my to do list done. 

I make realistic goals, I set them, and I do them.

Since June 1, I have constantly pushed 1 item to the next day. So, obviously with the end of June coming up, my to do list has everything that I have pushed back… on it.

Bad bad bad bad bad.

Now on top of all of the scheduled events, library books are due, preschool registration papers need to be dropped off, everything needs to be prepped for visitors, cards and gifts for everyone need to be sorted out and of course even the water jugs need to be filled!

Every day has been little things on top of the big things lol.

Big things like…

SBean and SBesty’s son GBesty got their gymnastics certificates!

We had the annual volunteer tea. Our principal organizes a nice little tea to thank all the volunteers for their contributions throughout the year. The kids perform for our entertainment!

SBean and I dropped off the van to get the brakes looked at and walked home 🙂

Last Friday HBear’s school hosted a sports day. I volunteered for the first shift in the morning and my station was the obstacle course. It was so much fun! For the first team I volunteered to show the course. Why do those bouncy balls seats look so easy? They are so not easy LOL 

Bunny Hop through the rings…

Army crawl “through” the tunnel…

Down the hole and through…

bounce to the bench…

Hop the bench and the horse and then spin around the bat 3 times and run to the finish line!

Unfortunately HBear was in group 1 and I was station 9. I didn’t get to see her.😔 That is a downside. In order for the event to happen you need parent volunteers. The volunteers don’t necessarily get to watch their children though. However, I am very lucky my MBesty took my camera around and got pictures of everything!







After my obstacle course adventures, I left to go pick up my last milk order of the school year. There are a few cashiers who work at the Wholesale Club and see me every week, I got them to do a happy dance with me LOL 

Then we completed our last hot lunch! We made it 😅

SBean had her last soccer practice of the season. She loved it… Soccer I mean, just unfortunately not that morning. Last one and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa all come to watch her and she is exhausted! The night before we all went to our SBesty’s house for dinner… And didn’t leave till 11 PM!! We were having  great time out on the deck and I watched through the window as SBean and GBesty curled up in front of the TV and began head bobbing LOL 

After soccer that night we watched GBesty while SBesty had a dance recital. The kids played so well together and then they had popcorn and watched Alice in Wonderland.


This week was the Grade 2 End of the Year Field Trip! Unfortunately the weather was terrible and beach day turned into activities around the school followed by a picnic in the gym and bowling!








After the field trip we had hair appointments. HBear has been begging to cut her hair for a while now. We have gone through Pinterest. At first she was saying pixie cut! OMG I was like “no!” It is weird because I more often than not have short hair. I loved her hair short before. 

But I just starting to learn how to do cool braids!!! (whiney voice)

I left the hairdresser and HBear to make the final decision and ran up to my inlaws to pick up SBean. I mean… it is her head 🙂



As soon as SBean saw HBear she insisted on cutting her hair too! Before that moment she only wanted a little bit and her bangs… so I was pretty leary. I explained to the hairdresser that HBear is a Pop Princess and SBean is a Rock N Roll Queen LOL. She cut accordingly! SBean loves it she keeps looking at herself and smiling and giggling!



Ninja surprised us and came by right as we were finishing. He looked at them and said “It’s Pat Benatar and a Suburban Housewife.” HAHAHAHA


My Sis and Fam will be out this weekend and it is SweetPea’s birthday! We had to run to Kelowna for Costco and a few list minute things. No trip to mall is complete without a visit to Chapters.


Every year Costco puts a massive float on display. We happen to live in a town with a kickass channel float. We always talk about getting it but this time we walked the walked!

This weekend kicked off the festivals! We love the Car Show 🙂




On Sunday we went golfing with Ninja’s parents! I love golfing! I haven’t been golfing in years! It was great to get back out there and Summerland Golf Course is stunning. It is right beside the canyon and it was super hot out 🙂

Thanks Dad for the Xmas gift and watching the girls!!





Papa took the Girls to the park and then to Safeway.

Did I mention I won the lottery? Well I won the most I ever had at least 😉

This week was the retirement assembly for HBear’s school. YBesty and I worked on flowers all morning. I love Lisa’s Flowers!!! She makes the most beautiful bouquets right out of her very large backyard garden! She doesn’t use chemicals, she hand picks all the bugs off herself.


At the assembly they surprised us by getting all of our minies up to the front to give the PAC Executives a small appreciation gift.



HBear had her last tennis lesson. She really enjoys it even when it is +34!

SBesty and I treated ourselves to grownup time and went for a fabulous dinner at The Cellar.



Yesterday was the last FULL day of school. MBesty surprised HBear with a memory shirt. The girl’s took fabric markers to school and got their friends to autograph them! She does fabulous work at Beyond the Stitch 🙂

SBean and I went to the park before grocery shopping.


Last Day of Grade 2!!!


MBesty and I took the girls out for lunch and pedis 🙂





Let SUMMER begin!

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