Always look on the bright side of life. – Eric Idle: Monty Python’s Life of Brian

Bummer: Ninja has a big job in Princeton so they have to leave early… which means I have to get up earlier.
Score: Because I have this extra half an hour I begin to make my rice so that I will have it all ready for the fried rice that we are having for dinner.
Bummer: SBean decided that my 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup would be fun to play with and ripped it off the top shelf of my lower cupboard. Now at 7:45am I am vacuuming up shards of glass that cannot be seen by the naked eye but I fear will end up in SBean’s mouth and Dr House will find that they are at a later date cutting through her large intestine and she is internally bleeding a slow and painful death. 

My 8 cup broke in June while everyone was here and now I lost this one too… shit

Score: I now have a super clean kitchen floor.
Bummer: It is green day and I picked out my favorite green sweater I got for HBear last Xmas but finally fits. She decides she does not want to wear THAT!!! So we play for it. We play musical tree freeze. We put on music and when it stops you have to hold a tree pose (yoga). I figure I got this in the bag… I don’t and she picks out green cargo pants and a slightly less army green shirt with a pink butterfly. These 2 items in NO way match. But she won so I grin and bear it.
Score: The pants are a bit to big around her waist and she agrees to a pair of jeans!

She is learning to make scary pumpkin faces lol
Bummer: SBean has knocked HBear’s night water off the table in their room and her newly put on outfit is now soaked. It is now 8:02 and I am mopping up the girl’s bedroom and redressing the Bean!
Score: The girls’d bedroom floor is now clean and shiny.
Bummer: We live across from a Dr. Office (on a residential street) and I try to pull out of the driveway but the 3 cars directly across the street and the 2 cars on either side of the driveway pretty much make it impossible to pull out and it takes me 4 tries to do it. There are cars lined up on either side waiting for me and shaking their heads like I am a dumb female driver… of course it is probably men who parked all around my driveway making it difficult for me!
Score: Because believe it or not I am 5 minutes ahead of the game, we get to run to the library and drop off the Dora video that HBear insisted in taking out but never actually watched.
Bummer: It is chilly out so SBean is VERY fussy on the ride due to this new thing called… a sweater. She hates being restricted in any way.
Score: I get the primo spot right in front of the school!!! I mean this spot is so good, even the Yummy Mommies that sit at the picnic table drinking their Starbucks and flipping their hair, gave me the “Niiiiice” nod.

Score: I get to take SBean for a beautiful walk to the RCMP building to hand in my criminal record check. They do this at the school for any parent that wants to volunteer. Kind of a pain in the ass but I do feel a lot better about the volunteers at the school now J

Bummer: The lady at the desk is the same lady I told off a few years ago… long story but let’s just say I was in the TOTAL wrong but she IS a nosy busybody LOL
Bummer: A black cat crossed in front of us.
Score: SBean loves the cooler weather and looks stupid cute in her fall hat.

It was a beautiful autumn day
Bummer: Walking DOWN to the RCMP building means walking UP to get back home.
Score: I got to see THIS!!!!
As we were walking by I saw his car, upon closer look I noticed…
the Jesus Take the Wheel dashboard and then the skull old lock HILARIOUS!!!!!
Bummer: I have to pee
Score: Not enough to stop me from stopping at the Wine store and picking up a box of my favorite… Hester Creek Cab Merlot J
Bummer: It’s noon. Too early to have a glass LOL

Score: I only have 1 load of laundry to do today!
Bummer: I should have waited for SBean to finish her lunch (2 plums, ½ a banana, a full container of blueberry yogurt, a cracker, and a handful of shredded cheese… is this normal?)

You can’t even see half the MESS lol
Bummer: The clean washer light is on.
Score: After months of looking for something natural to use in this exact case, Dad finally found something at Nature’s Fair. It is called Aspen Clean. I hope it works J
Score: The doorbell rings! Maybe it is a parcel I forgot I ordered!
Bummer: It is my friendly neighborhood JW hoping to recruit me.

Score: I have dinner all prepped and ready to go and it is only 2:30
Bummer: It’s 2:30 I have to go pick up HBear.

Score: My Great Aunt called and we gossiped and had a great conversation.
Bummer: I talked too long and most definitely did NOT get a good parking spot!

Score: I was able to change HBear’s gymnastics class from 5:30 to 3:30 so we can eat dinner at a better time J
Bummer: I don’t have the option of leaving SBean at home with Ninja at this new time L
Score: A girl from last year’s ballet class is in HBear’s new time slot. She is happy and I am happy to see her Grandma and next week catch up with her Mommy!
Bummer: SBean has trouble watching her sister have all the fun for 1 hour!

Bummer: Ninja called they won’t be home until 7pm or later!!!!
Bummer: I have to put away all my stir-fry veggies, my rice, and all my fried rice ingredients. 

Yes even my all ready fried eggs are even in there!!!
Bummer : I then pack up the kids and drive to McDonalds!!!

Score: Won a small fries on my Monopoly medium drink.
Bummer: They still aren’t home and it is 8:00
Score: Both kids are bathed, brushed, read to and in bed and I get to watch Survivor and the Voice, how about that Holly Henry?  
Score: Ninja is home and we have a nice soak in the hot tub and talk about our day.
Score: It is definitely late enough for that glass of wine now 🙂

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