Crispy Roasted Garlic Chicken

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. 

Winston Churchill

Does it feel like some days you get more accomplished by noon than you did in an entire year BC (before children)? Since I have had kids it just makes me laugh my butt off when I hear someone with a 9-5 job and no kids complain about how tired they are. 


By the time you go on your coffee break I have vacuumed the entire house, dusted it too, done 3 loads of laundry, made breakfast, cleaned up said breakfast, got 1 child off to preschool, breastfed the other 3 times, changed 4 poopy bums, rinsed 5 diapers (1 got wet before it even got snapped up), started dinner, picked up child from preschool, had a dance party with CBC kids radio and preschooler while holding baby, got lunch to the table, AND actually took the time to go pee myself!

This is a good day… usually I forget to pee.

Ahhhh, dinner tonight, I have a fryer chicken in the freezer that I have been wanting to use for a while. I was going to use it for pizzas last night but decided to go off the menu plan (SHOCKING) and really shake things up… tonight we are going to have a roasted chicken, AND IT ISN’T EVEN A WEEKEND! 
Crispy Roasted Garlic Chicken 
1 (3-4 pound) whole fryer chicken
2 tablespoons garlic, minced
2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 tablespoons fresh thyme, chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Rinse the outside and inside of the chicken. Gently pat dry with paper towels.

Using your fingers, carefully lift up the skin on top of the chicken (near the neck) and pull up gently. With your other hand, gently separate the skin from the breast and thigh meat. Then take half of the garlic and stuff it in between the skin and meat, so that it is fairly evenly spread out. Take the remainder of the garlic and spread it all over the cavity inside the chicken.

Then take the butter and add the thyme, baste the entire outside of the chicken. Sprinkle generously with freshly ground pepper and salt.

Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours

Preheat to 450 degrees.

Place chicken breast side faces down, tucking the wings under. Roast chicken 25 minutes.
Remove roasting pan from oven. Rotate chicken breast-side up. Baste briefly with pan juices. Return to oven and continue to roast until instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of breast registers 135 degrees, 15 to 25 minutes.

Increase oven temperature to 500 degrees. Continue to roast until skin is golden brown, crisp, and instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of breast registers 160 degrees and 175 degrees in thickest part of thigh, 10 to 20 minutes.

Let rest, uncovered, for 20 minutes. 

ENJOY! I am serving this with mashed potatoes, gravy, and honey roasted baby carrots. Mmmmmmm…

I chose to do a neutral chicken so I can use the bones to make a delicious broth. It is so worth it and so easy. This is a little bird so you won’t get a ton but you will get enough to freeze in 2 cup bags to add to rice or risotto or when ever you need chicken stock… like in every recipe.

I just put all the bones and giblets in a big soup pot. Add some carrots, celery and onions. Add enough water to cover it all up. AND the trick… add some cider vinegar or even just plain white vinegar. It helps to get every little bit of flavor out of those bones!

On a more serious note. I have a story to share with you. It is about a brave little boy with a fantastic attitude… and THAT makes all the difference.

When my nephew, Aaron, was 5 he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer. He fought hard and was in remission but sadly a year later he relapsed. He is now 9.

Every year Aaron and his team join the Edmonton HairmassaCURE. They have done a wonderful job raising money to find a cure. This year he has no hair to shave as he has just finished up another full year of treatments and gets his test back tomorrow. Last year he raised $25 000 and this year he would love to double that so please open your hearts and wallets and help us fight for not only his cure but a cure for all childhood cancers!!!!!
Fundraiser image
Aaron at Hair MassaCURE 2012

Thank you all for your love and support, Go TEAM AARON – FIGHTING TO CURE!! 

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