Stone Soup, Holiday Wreath Salad, Cinnamon Buns & Merry Christmas to All

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except the Mother, who was busting her butt to make sure everything was perfect for everybody.

Wife Savers.
Those 2 words have become my Christmas Sanity Saver. Who wants to be in the kitchen all holiday? I used to and it made me miserable. So, over the years I have found ways to enjoy the holiday AND have delicious food!

All thanks to wife saver recipes from the Best of Bridge! Every year I make my Mom’s Christmas Breakfast. It is the BEST! It is also so easy! The day before, we prep all the veggies (this year we did onions and peppers) and then I make it up on Christmas Eve and pop it into the oven while we are opening presents in the morning! Usually I buy Cinnamon Buns to have with it but this year my MIL suggested Wife Saver Land of Nod Cinnamon Buns!

Yup! This will be a new tradition! So they didn’t look pretty ðŸ˜‚ and I will definitely do a few things differently in the future (I will post the recipe with the changes so yours turns out better than mine). Looks aside, they were so easy and absolutely freaking delicious!

Land of Nod Cinnamon Buns
Adapted from my MIL
NUTRITION: Who cares!

20 unbaked frozen dinner rolls (I used more… don’t ðŸ˜‚)
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup vanilla pudding powder (I also used more… don’t ðŸ˜‚)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3/4 cup raisins
1/3 cup butter, melted

Lightly grease a 10 inch Bundt cake pan. Place frozen rolls into pan and sprinkle with brown sugar, pudding mix, ground cinnamon and raisins. (Next time I would put all the ingredients in first, so when you turn them over they are sticky goodness).

Pour melted butter over rolls. Cover with a clean, damp cloth and leave overnight at room temperature. When I woke up they had EXPANDED to overflowing LOL.


In the morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake rolls for 25 minutes, until golden brown. Turn rolls out onto a serving plate and serve warm.

Our turkey Christmas dinner was moved to Boxing Day because JQ and SIL were flying in for a second Xmas! Soooo we had to figure out a dinner that wasn’t too much work. Apparently EVERY restaurant in town was closed on Christmas Day?!?!? WTF? We chose Stone Soup! We used to have Stone Soup every Christmas Eve. I like it because it is different every time, because everyone makes it, and because it is crazy easy! This is the story of Stone Soup…

For our soup, My MIL picked carrots, my FIL picked onions, HBear picked corn, SBean picked beans, Dad picked macaroni, Ninja picked hamburger, and I picked diced tomatoes.

I added stock and some spices and it was basically my Hamburger Soup Recipe with macaroni, corn and beans! It was Ah-Mazing!

We also made salad and my MIL brought homemade French Bread! This is the PERFECT Holiday Salad! It is super tasty, has all the right colours and it is in the shape of a holiday wreath!

Holiday Salad Wreath
Adapted from Two Healthy Kitchens

Serves 6
NUTRITION: 100 Calories/serving

1 head of lettuce, washed and torn
1 can of mandarin oranges segments
1 pomegranate seeded
1/3 cup Feta cheese, crumbled
1/3 cup pistachios, shelled

5 tablespoons orange juice
4 teaspoons honey
3 1/2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon oil
1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/16 teaspoon pepper

Mix the last 8 ingredients together and chill.

Spread the lettuce out in a wreath shape.

Top with cheese, nuts and fruit.

Drizzle with dressing.

This was a CRAZY busy week! To top it all off… it snowed. A lot.

SBean was VIP at school the same day I volunteered to help make Cinnamon Apple Ornaments! They were very easy to make! We added a jar of apple sauce to 2 cups of cinnamon and kneaded it. Then we rolled it out, cut ornaments with cookie cutters and the teacher baked them! Ta Da beautiful ornaments that smell good enough to eat!

Halfway through the week the Girls were already on the edge of losing their shit. Before school we did a little yoga to regroup and focus.

I jumped waaaaay out of my comfort zone and tried my new LipSense, Fly Guy! Holy red Batman!

Wednesday was the Christmas bake sale/concert at the Girl’s school! It was so cute! SBean’s kindergarten class sang Little Snowflake and HBear’s Gr 4 class sang I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus! They were adorable and I LOVED how HBear and her friends got up there and showed such confidence by shaking what their Mama gave them!


On Thursday we took a bunch of old jackets, toques, mitts and scarves downtown and left them out for those in need.

On the last day of school we put on the Annual Pancake Breakfast! It is always one of my very favourite school events! The kids LOVE it and it is the ONLY event we put on that we don’t ask for money. It is not a fundraiser… it is our way of saying thanks. SBean ate 10 pancakes this year and HBear ate 7 1/2 lol. Ninja had to shovel first thing in the morning and he got there to flip pancakes a bit late. It was a loooong morning for him.






Friday was HBear’s KISU team practice and Xmas party!

Saturday was a day of shopping and clean up for the festivities. I would show you a video of me grocery shopping but the language is totally R Rated ðŸ˜‚.

On Christmas Eve, Dad took the Girls sledding while we prepped dinner and cleaned the house. SBean was crazy happy to see PSBesty there!


After sledding I took the Girls to church for some carolling. I always love the feeling I get from a Christmas Eve Church Service. The Girls really enjoy it as well. We go to the late afternoon service while Ninja makes dinner (this year we had homemade pizza!). This year we went to the Bethel Church and had a wonderful time!


When we got home the Girls were allowed to open the Christmas Eve present Maynard left them on his last night. In the box were so many gifts… pyjamas, hot cocoa, a movie (Christmas Vacation), a Christmas game, a Christmas book (The Snow Queen) popcorn, our magic key, Christmas Glitter Magic, and Nibs!


After dinner, we all got in our new PJs, grabbed our Nibs and Hot Cocoa, and headed off on a Christmas light hunt! When we got back we made popcorn and watched our new movie!

Before bed we put out cookies and… Scotch ðŸ˜‚ and carrots and water for the reindeer. Then we went outside to sprinkle our reindeer food, Magic glitter and light our Sparklers to let Santa know we are ready for him!


Then Santa came!!!!! The Girls asked for a laptop (HBear) and a REAL microphone (SBean). They must have been really good in the last 2 days because they were on the nice list and both got what they asked for!




In the morning, my Grandma and Grandpa came over and we all opened up presents and then had breakfast!








Then cleanup began!


We had a super fun Christmas night with everyone! My In-Laws came back and we had our soup/salad/bread dinner. Afterwards we played games and ate some snacks!



On Boxing Day we had a 2nd Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa’s! This was out first Xmas with JQ and we had so much fun! We also had a fabulous dinner and opened MORE presents!




This year HBear wrote her very 1st Christmas Play! I was so impressed! She had parts for all of us and had the script colour coded so we could all read our parts as we went along. It was incredible!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope your holiday was as relaxing, delicious and filled with love and family as mine was ðŸ’›ðŸŽ„!

Click to play this Smilebox greeting

0 thoughts on “Stone Soup, Holiday Wreath Salad, Cinnamon Buns & Merry Christmas to All”

  1. Connie construction ask your dad

    Loved your salad and for sure going to try your cinnabuns but use walnuts or pecans instead of raisons ick… R plày was absolutely amazing. She has some real talent, writing and acting,loved the dramatics…..not so sure about some of the other cast members. Lol L.O.V.E.

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