End of School Treats & First Week of Summer Holidays

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world

Harriet Tubman

I clearly remember the day that HBear walked into Columbia Elementary school. There were no tears. Not on her side or on mine. I was numb. She seemed so little and her backpack seemed so big. She was so confident and fearless! Not a care in the world just excitement bubbling from every fibre of her body. She didn’t know what a girl squad was, what bullies can do, how hard long division is, or the responsibilities that would come with getting older.

I remember sitting down in the coat room listening to her read a Franklin book to me and knowing just how special she was. When it was time to say goodbye, she ran off into the classroom and left me standing in the cloak room. Just when I was about to turn to leave she ran back, gave my legs a hug and said “bye Mom I love you.” And then quickly ran back into her new classroom. I should’ve left in tears but I left in disbelief. How had we gotten here? How was my best friend… my shadow, leaving me? I had not spent more than a few hours away from her in almost 5 years! I wanted to go home and talk it out with my Mom but I had lost her 2 months before and all the sudden I felt so very alone. Until I heard a little giggle and I looked down at the stroller I was pushing and saw my new shadow LOL there was SBean looking up at me with great big eyes which seem to ask, “is it really just you and me? Do I get your undivided attention for 5 hours a day 5 days a week? It was in that moment I realized I wasn’t alone and that HBear was going to be great because I had prepared her to be great and now I had the freedom to do the same thing for a SBean. It was an amazing realization and our elementary school life began.

Last week, HBear had her Grade 5 leaving ceremony. It was emotional. Not crying emotional but reflective emotional. Seeing her with all of her friends made me realize that they would all be on different paths next year, different schools, different friends, it would all be so… Different. I remembered all those kids running out of the kindergarten doors that very first week, all smiles and innocence. As I looked at them I saw the same smiles and the same innocence and I just hoped that they stay kind to one another, that they dream big, and that they chase their goals until they reach them.

It was a beautiful ceremony! There were nicely decorated tables for the family to sit at, the kids sang the Okanogan song and O Canada and then there was a beautiful slideshow! I felt terrible because I had so many beautiful pictures of all the kids at various activities throughout the year but I just couldn’t get my poop in a group quickly enough to get them in on time 😞. After the slideshow each student was called up one by one for their certificate. Once they received their certificate they thanked whoever they wanted for helping them throughout their academic career so far. HBear thanked me for driving her to school every day, Ninja for making her lunch every day, and Papa for helping her study her spelling words… Every day LOL it was sweet, after they said their kind words they handed their loved one a beautiful rose ❤️. Before we had cake and sweet tea, the grade 5 students sang one of my favourite songs, Forever Young by Rod Stewart! My parents used to listen to that song when I was a kid and my brother sang it at my wedding for the father/daughter dance. It’s a special song and now I have another beautiful memory to associate with it.



HBear handled her last day of school really well! I was surprised! There were no tears, no prolonged goodbyes, and mostly excitement for what is to come! SBean… Not so much. She was up all night and very emotional. She cried before bed and she cried when she woke up and she was very sad to know that this would be her last day at Columbia Elementary. She will miss the friends she has made and the wonderful teachers that she has had. I was lucky enough to get to the school early to pick them up and snag a few pictures with friends and their wonderful teachers.


This year we did 2 separate treats for the kid’s classmates. We did specially themed grade 5 treat for HBear’s class and a cute little summer treat for SBean’s grade 1 class. These were crazy easy! I printed off the grade 5 tags HERE and the grade 1 tags HERE. I bought Sour Patch Kids and M&M’s in bulk and the kids had a blast counting out each individual bag and stapling the tags. Easy Peasy Mac & Cheesy!


I also found this HERE! I attached a Amazon gift card for each of their teachers and we called it a fantastic year!

We have had 3 new episodes of How Was Your Week, Honey?come out since I last posted!! Check out Ep 124: Acts of Service HERE This week we chat about Fun Day, Dance Life, Beachbody, Pay It Forward, and Old Town Road

My Sis and BIL came in for the July long weekend! We were so lucky that they agreed to come on How Was Your Week, Honey? They talked to us a bit about the Alberta politics that are happening in the province right now!
Check out Ep 125: On Canada Day, We Trim the Bush HERE

You can also Check out our latest episode, Ep 126: No yeah, yeah no? HERE This week we chatted about Canada, Mayors, Dream Vacations, Sister Rosetta, Ottawa Sens, Megan Rapinoe, and the Diva Cup.

So much has happened in the past few weeks! We have been so busy I missed a post or two LOL so here is a quick catch-up of all the fun things we have been doing lately!

On the last Friday of the school year the kids participated in their annual Fun day! They had a great time playing together and HBear’s grade 5 class won the tug-of-war championship!

That evening we attended the annual Car Show parade!



Both Girls attended their end of year field trips and I was fortunate enough to volunteer for both events! HBear’s grade 5 class went to H2O for waterpark fun and SBean’s grade 1 class went to Skaha water park and playground! Both Girls smiled their faces off!



We had our last week of dance class… More of that next post I promise! Instead of having our last Ladies Jazz Class, we went for drinks at Earls instead! These women blow my mind and I can’t wait to dance with them again next year!

For our first day of summer we met up with my GGBesty and her kids! We went to the library and museum and the Girls had a fabulous time!

That night Ninja and I celebrated the end of the year with a delicious steak dinner is at Block 300 and the best of 7 at the local pool hall. My Sister and her family got in later that night!



We started my Sister’s visit with a bike ride to the park, a beginning of summer pedi, a delicious dinner at Ribfest and for dessert, s’mores!





The next morning Dad and Ninja took my Sis and BIL to taste test our new brewery, Slackwater! While they were out I hung out with the 4 Girls! After lunch we went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa’s and then we all headed back to our place for a BBQ and a movie.


We celebrated Canada Day at Gyro park! After another wonderful dinner at Ribfest we took a nice walk on the beach, went home for a hot tub and even made The Penticton Western the next day!














For their last day the Girls attended their first day of Cooking Camp and my Sis, her family and I had breakfast at The Nautical Dog, went cherry picking and then did some wine tasting! That evening we celebrated SweetPea’s 6th birthday with her pick of dinner, homemade pizza, and cupcakes!





Sadly then it was time to say goodbye, until next time SweetPea and CabbagePatch!

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Faced with the choice of enduring a bad toothache or going to the dentist, we generally tried to ride out the bad tooth.
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