Well there’s a principle of nature 
That almost every creature knows.
Called survival of the fittest 
And check it this is how it goes.
The animal that eats gotta scratch and fight and claw and bite and punch.
And the animal that doesn’t, well the animal that doesn’t winds up someone else’s lu-lu-lu-lu-lunch 
I’m just sayin’.
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally.
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I’m just following my destiny.
The Lorax
K, so the question of the day is… what makes a “bad” person?
I mean obviously I am not bad. I don’t even like having late library books… anymore lol.
Sometimes I do things that might not be the nicest. For example…
Yesterday I was talking to a few ladies outside the kindergarten doors and SBean was walking around me. All of a sudden I hear the highest painful scream EVER. I glance to my left and see a little toddler slamming face first into the concrete bench, of course instead of helping said toddler, I get all judgy and think “man, whose kid is that just wandering around like that?”
I swooped her up into a big hug as she screamed bloody murder. Turns out it looked a lot worse than it was, thankfully she only has a little bruise on her chin.
Bad? Maybe YES!
Home for a nap. After nap I have to go to the post office to ship both the sister’s mother’s day gifts and my niece’s bday card. (PLEASE don not go “oh shit” and run to get me something for Mother’s Day ladies! It is both of your 1st Mother’s Day so we got you something small. No big deal. Don’t expect 1 every year lol) SBean hates the post office. I hate the post office. I am seriously considering calling Pitney Bowes and getting a mail machine, just to avoid going to the post office.
After the post office I took SBean to get a haircut. I asked the lady for a bob cut. A bob to frame her face. NO bowl cut… a BOB.

Bad? Maybe YES
So I took the poor baby to the park for lunch. She totally deserved it after everything I put her through πŸ™

2:45 time to pick up HBear from school πŸ™‚
When we get home I realize I have to plant the freaking plants I bought for from the school plant fundraiser. Don’t even get me started on picking up 30 flowers, a hanging basket, a strawberry basket AND 10 herbs, as school lets out. Thank you Chelsea for watching the Bean or that would have been the straw that broke this camels back lol.
Gardening SUCKS. I mean seriously I really don’t like getting my hands dirty. I REALLY don’t like worms and I really don’t like weeds!
Do you know how hard it is to keep 2 kids in an unfenced yard while you plant flowers? We live on a street that, for my Winnipeg friends, is like a street between Ness and Portage. It is a street between 2 busy streets so it is quite busy. I parked the van in front of the driveway so they couldn’t run out into the street. Safe… I think not.
I actually ended up strapping SBean into her trike to make sure she stayed put.
Bad? Maybe YES!
OK so, our neighbor is elderly and is, well I don’t know what he is. I’m going to say he has a disability. Probably many actually. As soon as he saw me out there he came running out to “talk ” to me. All about his constipation! Then he mentioned how much Mom loved gardening and how much time she spent weeding. He asked me if I was prepared to do the same?
“Actually no. In fact that is why we zeroscaped the front area. That is why we put old tires out here and rocked the rest of the beds. So we could have very little weeds. UNFORTUNATELY you have not kept up your yard and YOUR grass and weeds are coming through the fence and seeding EVERYWHERE. What are YOU prepared to do about that?”
He got very upset. He explained that his house is costing him too much and he doesn’t want to pay for someone to do his lawn care. I suggested that he should perhaps… move.
He complained that the crab apple tree in his front yard does not produce anything edible and is hard to mow around. The only good thing about it is the shade it provides.
“Actually the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. As the tree is in the NORTH it provides absolutely NO shade. Cut it down.”
He grumbled and ran to his shed yelling I GOD DAMN WILL CUT IT DOWN!
oooookkkkkk in the house girls.
Bad? Maybe YES!
He didn’t actually cut it down.

This morning I was driving to school and this woman who could barely see over the wheel sat at the stop sign for 8 minutes! She was trying to cross the street. I know sometimes that is hard so I was very patient. When she missed 2 opportunities I began to get miffed. When someone was crossing at the crosswalk right beside us, all traffic stopped. YES! Go lady go! Whaaaat? I said GO LADY. I laid on the horn. I never do that anymore. Since moving to a small town where speed limits are 30, I rarely ever get road rage. BUT?!?!?!
Bad? Maybe YES!
When we got to school… finally, HBear’s Besty gave her a very special present. A best friend necklace!!! So freaking cute! I still have mine from my Besty from like 30 years ago πŸ™‚
When we got home I washed all of SBean’s summer clothes or at least all of HBear’s old 12-18 month clothes. Speaking of that, Ninja pulled my summer stuff out of the crawlspace the other day. I haven’t worn my summer clothes in years. 1 year I had just had HBear and didn’t fit anything size sm! Another year I was pregnant (after I miscarried I still couldn’t fit size small) and the next year I was pregnant with SBean!!! Last summer I was still losing baby weight. I found things with tags on them still!!! 
Apparently I STILL can’t fit that shit! I have been doing yoga every morning and every night so I might get my ass into something other than a moomoo this summer.
Then I had to get SBean to Grandma and Grandpa’s for lunch πŸ™‚ She goes there and I go to hot lunch. While I was gone I got a text from Ninja…
I hope your happy. “Spenny” (our neighbor) is out mowing and weeding like a mad man!
and you know what? 
Bad? Maybe YES!
Tonight HBear couldn’t find her sash for Sparks. I freaked. A Spark is never late, A Spark is prepared, A SPARK WEARS HER UNIFORM!!!! 
Her leader had it.
Bad? Maybe YES!
I have a friend that says she can’t cook. I told her I would post a few recipes that will help her when her Mom goes away for the summer.
This is a gooder! It uses whatever you have in the fridge!
Leftover Chicken
3 chicken breasts
bbq sauce
pico/salsa/diced tomatoes
cheese, any kind
bacon, cooked
BBQ chicken or bake it or fry it for all I care πŸ™‚
When it is done top each breast (lol) with a spoonful of BBQ sauce, 
I am using the leftover fresh salsas I made on Monday, 
and cheese.
Put under the broiler until the cheese is nice and melty. 
YUMMY! We had it with simple sauted veggies and baked potatoes πŸ™‚

BTW Is anyone else super freaked out when garlic has a tail? I get bad dreams from it. *shudder*
I have to go now because I NEEEEEED to watch Big Brother Canada, Go Jon!
Bad? Maybe YES!
Tomorrow I will be good… but when I’m bad I’m so much better πŸ™‚

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