3am “mommy!”

3:38 put a full bellied Bean back down. She had a stomach bug yesterday and didn’t keep anything down. HBear too. They were both blowing chunks everywhere. 🙁

7am lets do this thang!

7:10 makeup done. Yes I put on makeup today. It’s gonna be a doozy so I’m bringing in backup lol makeup gives you that “worky” feel haha

7:15 get the girls dressed and lunches made

7:35 head over to IGA to pickup 12 dozen donuts… They don’t open till 8… There goes my head start lol


7:55 waiting… Waiting omg open the doors!!!!


8 doors open.

8:10 have all the donuts in the van, even the uncovered box wtf?

8:15 home. Ninja can now get off to work 🙂

8:30 van all loaded and girls all brushed and backpacked



8:40 pull up to the school to unload. Thanks to the awesome principal I have a wheeley cart and a helper!

8:55 get HBear into class

9:00 round up a few volunteers for later 🙂

9:10 drive my Besty Mom home as she reminds me I need a potluck dish for the Sparks windup tonight. Shit.

9:25 pull up to Safeway to find a potluck dish lol

9:30 pay for my processed olive deli tray 🙁 

boooo I was going to make a noodle dish yesterday but with all the puke… Seriously my inlaws were supposed to come over for a nice dinner and both girls were sick and even my FIL ended up going into emerg because he was suffering from vertigo and throwing up!! It was an ugly situation. Hence no noodle salad lol

9:40 stop for gas 🙂


9:50 go home to go down to crawl space to get picnic basket, needed for Sparks windup tonight.

In order to do this SBean needs to be kept busy… Mother of the year award goes to… So I gave her an ice cream cup lol

Hmmmm What is this stuff? OMG!!! Yeah!!!!

10am is it bedtime yet? Get SBean in the van and drive my platter to the school to put in the fridge for later 🙂 while I was there I saw HBear and her class having a picnic outside I look like a stocker stopping the van and taking pictures out the window lol.


10:10 driving to my in-laws I see A drive through bank teller and I stopped to take out money. How come I never noticed that before? Oh because there is a $2.00 transaction fee! Never again will I be lazy. But honestly it was so much easier than finding meter parking getting SBean out of the van and keeping her beside me, just to run into the machine at my bank downtown. Still. $2.00 really kills me. It adds ups and is a total lazy waste… 🙂


10:25 get to my in-laws early to see how my FIL is feeling and to see if they’re ready to go early… They are 🙂

10:30 off to Kelowna


11:15 finally in Kelowna now I have to find the popcorn man’s house to get a big bag of popcorn for the carnival, thank goodness my FIL used to live in Kelowna and he help me get there 🙂

11:45 drop my in-laws off at the airport and they are off on the cruise! They are going to Denmark, Poland, Russia, Sweden and England! 
The rest is kind of a blur because it just got crazy lol
1:30 stop at home to go the bathroom and change SBean’s bum, poor girl was such a trooper but she needed a good changing and have I mentioned that I have my Period???? Boo

1:45 finally get back to the school and start set up.

2:00 my Besty Mom gets there and helps string donuts lol

2:10 my hot lunch ladies get there and help fill popcorn lol


2:45 the girls get out of school and they are there to “help” too 🙂

3-5 we kick ass and set up the entire carnival. We had grade 6 students volunteer to come and be the “carnies” 🙂 We have popcorn we have a bake sale we have a craft sale we have pizza we have drinks we have cotton candy we have a cakewalk, face painting and tattoos and tons of carnival games such as ping-pong plinko, beanbag toss, three legged races, pillowcase races a shootout, plunger races, water balloon basketball, bobbing for donuts, and ducky races. We also have bouncy castle a bouncy obstacle course and a rock climbing wall 🙂 we even had Bricks 4 Kidz volunteer there services!!!!














5-6 we enjoy the fun! I’m pretty sure half the school showed up or even maybe the whole school showed up! There were a ton of people there it was a great success!






6:15 shit we’re late let’s get out of here!

6:25 we get to Skaha park where their having the spark jamboree. Did I remember my platter my gross looking platter… I sure did!





6:30 we have some salads and a hotdog and sit for 15 minutes and have a picnic key thing here is we sat for 15 minutes ahhhhh lol

6:45 I pay for my case of cookies I did not sell that’s right I’m out 60 bucks but I have a ton of girl guide cookies *awesome* I hate those cookies.

7pm HBear and her besty are given their loot bags and fly up to their next year of Sparks 🙂


Even HBear is like “when is this long day over???” lol



7:25 we are out of here

7:30 drive HBear’s besty to her grandma’s house

7:45 drive my Besty mom home

7:55 pull up in the driveway

8pm unload the van, get the kids washed up, pj’d. milked and down.

8:55 pour me a glass of wine 🙂

8:58 fall fast asleep with my glass of wine sitting on my bed stand next to me good night 😉

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