Puffed Wheat Squares and Apple Pinenut Quinoa with Maple Sausage and Poppyseed Dressing

Food is Memories.
Helen Mirren, The 100 Foot Journey

I’m going to start this off by letting you in on a little nugget of awesomeness… not only is Ninja a hot dude, an amazing father and a kick ass husband, he is now officially a rockin’ blogger!!! 

As you are all aware we are HUGE Oilers fans. Ninja though takes it A LOT further than just watching the game lol. Sooooo he started a blog about his love for the Edmonton Oilers! I read his first post last night and I have to say, I was impressed. In fact, I don’t think any of my followers should read it, then you would all know that he is MUCH funnier than I am LOL. Sure, there are some things that he will want to change in the future, blogging is difficult because you have to use structure and your imagination to get your true point across,
get it?
So here it is in all of it’s glorious copper and blue Oilers – Twice Removed
Like always… share if you like it and don’t forget to subscribe!!!! This goes for my site too lol. I know I post it on Facebook but to make sure you never miss a post, subscribe 🙂 right there at the top right hand corner… see it says FOLLOW ME 🙂

You know you want to! Sharing is really important, how else will people get to try all these amazing recipes? LOL

So the strike… yeah this blows. I think I am a pretty good Mom. I mean I do the crafts, the baking, the activities. I love my kids. But if HBear doesn’t go back to school soon I am afraid I might drop something!!!
Like my freaking self-control!!! LOL
Last week I was racking my brain trying to think up a new activity and TADA, finger painting it was!









On Friday it was rainy and grey. Cousin Cass was leaving on Saturday so we wanted to have a movie day! When we went to pick her up she was very sad and homesick 🙁 It has been a rough couple of years for that kiddo. She is 12 and has spent the past 5 years with her brother in hospital rooms as he fought against the cancer that raged through his poor body. As you know we lost him at age 10 this past March. She has been through a lot. So, sadly she went home a day earlier and HBear was sad broken hearted. She said her goodbye and was very brave all the way home but as soon as she came through the door and she saw me, the tears started and the wailing began. I wanted to cry. So I quickly texted my Besty Mom and asked if I could steal HBear’s besty for the day!

Crisis averted 🙂

So we went to the Bulk Barn to pick up a small treat each and then to Walmart for a few things!

When we got home the girls played Candyland and had a little of their treats.


We had lunch and then we were off!


We saw The 100 Foot Journey. I have to say, it wasn’t really a kid friendly movie LOL. But, it was the only G rated movie there so it was what it was lol. The girls sat through it so nicely and I loved it! It is a movie about cooking 🙂 It was so cute, at 1 point HBear leaned over and whispered to me, “Mommy look! Isn’t that red pepper just beautiful?” LOL That’s my girl 🙂

While the girls had lunch I made HBear’s favorite treat. K, so I have tried using honey. I have tried using brown rice syrup. None of it works. Unfortunately the best squares have corn syrup 🙁 
Puffed Wheat Squares
1/2 cup margarine
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla 
8 heaping cups puffed wheat cereal
Scoop puffed wheat cereal into a large bowl; set aside.
Place margarine, cocoa, brown sugar, syrup, and vanilla into a pot and stir over medium heat until combined.
Let mixture boil for 1-2 minutes. No longer, you don’t want the mixture to burn.
Remove the pot and pour the hot mixture over the cereal.  Toss cereal until combined and press into a greased pan.



On Saturday the girls had a double birthday party to go to. It was a beautiful day and a FUN time!


The birthday boy turned 2!!!


The birthday girl turned 8!






Yesterday we had the whole day to spend as a family 🙂 We went up to visit my Mom and then we hit the local family fun zone!

HBear loves golfing! She isn’t too bad at it either. She told me she wants to ask Santa for golf clubs, a drum set and a tennis racket for Christmas LOL

Even SBean tried it lol but she really just liked chasing after the ball and putting it in the cup LOL! Ninja got 3 hole-in-ones!!!!






After mini golf HBear went on the Bumper Boats. She was the only little one with 8 BIG kids LOL, but no worries she held her own!


We let SBean try the big “jolly jumper” she loved it!!! She was definitely bouncing higher than HBear LOL 






Tonight I am making eggs. Scrambled eggs. I don’t want hashbrowns though so I thought I would try a different side dish 🙂 It was super yummy and a great breakfast/dinner side 🙂

Apple Pinenut Quinoa with Maple Sausage and Poppyseed Dressing

Adapted from Iowa Girl Eats
1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
6 maple breakfast sausages
¼ cup chives, chopped
1 small apple, chopped
1/4 cup pinenuts
1 cup of spinach, stems removed
2 tablespoons Craisins
Poppyseed dressing
1/2 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
½ teaspoon dry mustard 
Mix all dressing ingredients together and refrigerate until needed.
Rinse quinoa very well in a fine mesh strainer under cold, running water. Add chicken broth and quinoa to a small pot and bring to a boil. Place a lid on top, then simmer for 15 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl and cool slightly.
Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add sausage then brown and drain, if necessary
Add cooked sausage, chives, apple, pinenuts, spinach, and Craisins to the slightly cooled quinoa. Toss to combine then serve. Add Poppyseed Dressing for an added  bang of flavor!





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