Halloween Treats for the Class & Pistachio Cake

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,

First one said “Oh my, it’s getting late!”

Second one said “There are witches in the air,”
Third one said “but we don’t care!”
Fourth one said “Let’s run and run and run.”
Fifth one said “I’m ready for some fun!”
Ooo ooo went the wind, and out went the lights,
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

I have noticed on other blogs that holidays come quicker in their houses than mine. I mean, other blogs are full Halloween in August 😳 while I put out my Halloween stuff, well, the week of Halloween. It occurred to me though that if anyone wanted to use our treat, they can’t, because I’m so on time 😂.  That’s the thing when you are doing something for the sake of doing it and not just for a blog. You do it, on time rather than super early. This year I decided to do it early though so here it is!

It is hard to find a craft/treat for 50 kids and keep it in budget. Then I saw that Balancing Home had the cutest little printable so I printed up 50 of them from HERE. We went to the Bulk Barn and picked up 250 little pumpkin candies, 50 snack bags and got to work! This was super easy and we think both classes will enjoy them!

This week on How Was Your Week, Honey? Ep 88: Kanye is No Picasso I’m grumpy and we are talking about tupperware, my hurt foot, hikes, Cohen, legalization, Winnipeg roots, T.Swift, Kanye, Roseanne, Austin Watson and James Gunn! Check it out HERE

Guess who turned 63 this week? DAD! It was on a Thursday and we had dance, school and work so we played it pretty casual. I made him a special dinner (coming next week) and my InLaws came over after dinner for cake and presents! Dad isn’t a cake guy. Usually I make apple pie or a giant chocolate chip cookie or some other desert that isn’t birthday cake. This year I was scrolling through Pinterest and saw a cake I thought he just make like! Dad loves nuts. All types of nuts (insert joke here 😂). They are his weakness. So the Girls and I baked him a super simple Pistachio Cake! It was really tasty, super moist and took almost nothing to make! That is saying a lot because I am not a baker by ANY means! This recipe stood out to me because it uses a boxed cake and adds ingredients to make it your own. Enjoy!

Pistachio Cake

Adapted from TeePee Girl

1 Betty Crocker Super Moist white cake mix
2 small (3.4 ounce) packages of pistachio instant pudding
1 1/4 cup water
1/3 cup sour cream
3 large eggs
1 cup whipping cream
1 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup pistachios, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix and 1 package of pistachio instant pudding.

Add the water, sour cream, and eggs. Using a hand mixer, stir all ingredients for one minute on high speed.

Butter and lightly flour 2 round cake pans. Evenly pour the cake into the 2 pans.

Bake for 25-30 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

When the cake is completely cooled, make the frosting.

In a mixer, combine the whipping cream, powdered sugar, salt, and last box of pistachio instant pudding mix.

Whip everything until you get stiff peaks with the whipping cream (about 3-5 minutes on high).

Put the bottom layer of cake on a cake stand. Add about 1 cup of the frosting mixture on top of the cake and spread until even. (I used white buttercream for this part because I had some leftover.)

Put the top layer of cake on, and apply the frosting to the top and sides of the cake.

Embellish the cake with chopped pistachios.


At the beginning of the week I caught my foot in the screen door and sliced my heel. It hurt. A LOT. I am such a baby when it come to pain. A few days later the bruising was still vivid and it still hurt 🙁.

The Girls made beautiful cards for Papa and sang and danced for him!


HBear had her 1st x-country run of the season on Friday. The sun was shinning and the school spirit was out in full force! It was a nice morning and HBear got 63rd… the same place as last year… At least she’s consistent 😂.


I have been struggling this week. I have been grumpy, crampy, cold, the world is still getting me down, and I have an itch to do something… Anything! Ninja noticed and he asked Dad to watch the Girls on Friday and we went out for a spontaneous dinner at The Nest & Nectar! It was such a nice night! I am so lucky 💕.

This weekend SBean had skating lessons, a birthday party and HBear had dance duet practice and swimming lessons. We hung out in-between playing games and Ninja took the Girls hiking with his parents while I got some stuff done inside.

On Sunday we went to Kelowna to pick up some Halloween costume items! Of course we stopped at Starbucks first and the Girls HAD to bring their books!

HBear even stopped at Chapters and bought a new book with her own money, SBean bought another LOL doll 🙄. HBear had the book done before we even got home!

I hope you enjoy the Halloween craft AND the cake! If you try either please let me know! I would love to hear how you and your family enjoyed them 🎃!

0 thoughts on “Halloween Treats for the Class & Pistachio Cake”

  1. Love how crafty and giving you are to your girls classes! Kristin I m impressed with how creative you are. I don't bake, I don't eat desserts but I like pistachio so I copied your recipe and one of these day I will make this….looks so GOOD! You inspire me to cook. Keep it up girl!

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