Parenting is HARD & Honey Mustard Chicken Salad


As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel.
Kevin Heath

Nobody told me parenting would get harder.

When they are babies you have no idea what to do with their squishy little cheeks and chubby little thighs 😆. You’re a  brand new parent and everything seems like a challenge. At first you watch them sleep and think about how amazing it is that you made this little baby. Then fear hits and you realize you are the one that has to keep this newborn alive! But you figure it out and you think, “I got this”. 
Then comes the toddler stage! All new problems arise! You watch them as they learn to walk and talk and all of a sudden you feel mixed emotions, you are so proud of this little person but also a little sad that they don’t need you for absolutely everything anymore. All of a sudden there are accidents and messes and… defiance. Finally, you get your poop in a group, figure it out, and when you’re finally feeling good about things… Preschool age! The age where they learn to talk back 😬. You think, “this has to be it! This is truly the worst age!”

And then comes school-age kids! There’s play dates to arrange, girl drama and awkward growing pains to deal with! Your little baby is talking about boys and has plans on Saturday night instead of cuddling with you and watching Netflix. Clothes begin to be left on the floor, the bathroom becomes a battle zone and talking back is followed by extensive eyerolling. But, you are a SUPER MOM… You got this!

Until teenagers. I’m here to let you know Mamas, you don’t got this. It’s a whole new game. You getting the invitation late so you don’t know all the rules but they have changed since you were a kid… oh boy have they ever! Parenting a teenager or an almost teenager is like taking your heart, pulling it out of your chest and putting it on the outside your body. You have no control and you’re completely vulnerable. Maybe one day I will talk about being the Mom of a teenage daughter but right now I feel that’s HBear’s (and later SBean’s) story, not mine.


Just a heads up though, our kids have been through a lot the past 2 years. They talk about long Covid and everybody keeps thinking it’s about the people that got infected but it’s not. It’s all of us. Everybody will have a cross to bear and our children that are hitting puberty during this time have so much weight on their shoulders. When I was 13 I didn’t think about world politics! I didn’t think about pandemics and deadly diseases and conspiracy theories, and global warming, and fires outside of my window, and the overdose crisis. I didn’t think about crop tops, make up, social media, personal schedules and likes or follows. Thank God I didn’t have to think about the impending climate disaster, racism and digging up our history in the form of children’s bones.

Our children have been through a lot. WE have been through a lot. Let’s be kind to each other. Let’s focus on mental health more than ever right now. As kids go back to school this week please keep in mind what they have gone through these past 18 months. Check in. Make some allowances for mood swings, insecurities, and fatigue. Love them even harder because of their past sacrifices, their present day realities and their future fears 💛.

Check out How Was Your Week, Honey? Episode #240: Vacation in the Vicinity HERE! This week, a recap of our get away in the Fraser valley. Topics: dessert, Kari & Seb, more fires, Paisley Notebook, vacation planning, Bridal Veil Falls, Cultus Lake Water & Adventure Park, school shopping & dinner playlists.


After vacation and eating out for days I always crave comfort food. While we had family staying with us we had rich filling meals every night. This past week I was craving salad! Often we choose salads as a side dish but if you add the right ingredients, salad can be a delicious and filling main dish as well! I made a delicious honey Dijon vinaigrette and topped Romaine lettuce with fruit, chicken and of course, crispy bacon! We all ate our entire bowls and nobody asked for snacks later! Win-win!

Honey Mustard Chicken Salad
Adapted from The Comfort of Cooking

750g leftover or precooked chicken breast
1 head Romaine lettuce, chopped
6 slices bacon
1 nectarine, chopped
1 cup strawberries sliced
1 can corn
⅓ cup olive oil
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
3 tablespoons honey
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

Combine olive oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, salt and pepper in a jar. Secure the lid tightly and shake to combine. Store in the fridge until ready to use.


Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Lay bacon in one layer. Cook until browned and crispy, about 6-8 minutes. Drain excess fat; transfer bacon to a paper towel-lined plate.

Using a tablespoon of the bacon grease, toss the precooked chicken into the pan and warm up.


Microwave corn for 2-3 minutes.


Place chopped lettuce in a large bowl. Top with chicken, bacon, nectarine, strawberries, and corn.

Drizzle honey-mustard dressing on top of the salad and gently toss to combine.






While we were away on our summer adventure our front door was painted! Dad got it done for us as a house warming gift and we think it looks AMAZEBALLS!! As the Best Auntie and Uncle in the world, we brought our nieces home huge popsicle suckers! Your welcome Sis and BIL 😂 oh btw we know you “forgot” them here, but don’t worry we remembered them 😜.

We went for dinner and a swim in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa’s and then because we didn’t podcast on Saturday night we decided to take a cab over to our favourite brewery, Slackwater Brewing! We never spontaneously go out in the evening so it was nice! While having a teenage daughter poses some problems, babysitting isn’t one of them anymore! 😂 On a smokey afternoon we took the Girls to the movies! Sis took the younger girls to Paw Patrol (sorry 😬😂) while HBear and I enjoyed Jungle Cruise! On a sunnier day we took them to the beach and the water was SO low HBear walked SBean and SPea out to the dock for their first time!

Over the past week we have had some intense fires burning just 10 km away from our beautiful little city. Thankfully the firefighters both in the air and on the ground were helped out by cooler temperatures and got them under control without losing any structures or life 💛.

On Monday the Girls came to work with me and were a BIG help 🙄😆. Speaking of help, Lennox loved staying with us and was very helpful keeping Ninja company even when he didn’t ask for any 😂. We enjoyed a gross but pretty cake to celebrate new beginnings and on Wednesday it was moving day! While we waited for the keys to the new condo we took the Girls to the park, Bread Co. for lunch and then to the Hachey’s new home, at least for the next 6 months!

With summer coming to an end HBear got ready for school by getting her very first highlights in her hair! They look beautiful! Rosey at Rome & Kai is the absolute best! I started Yoga with Adriene’s September yoga series called Reset and it has been wonderful! She just has a way of getting you to stretch with integrity 😍. Work is ramping up and I am fully booked for all of September! This week I got to work with the rest of the Sparkles team as we tackled my client’s home cleaning, windows, AND blinds!

On Friday we started our local dinner and a movie night again! This week was Cambo Beach and The CROODS 2! On Saturday HBear had a spa and gameboard date with her ABesty while we met Sis and her family in Summerland for a park date and coffee at The Beanery Cafe.

We ended our week prepping for back to school by labeling all the school supplies and we are ready!



































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